Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Important to Understand and Put in Context

You may want to expand the video to full page, then come back to read the commentary.  Hit play, then while playing, expand to 'Full Screen' in the lower right corner.  To return here from the Full Screen, hit 'Esc' at the upper left of your keyboard.

There is so much to say about this.  It is potentially a big black eye on our industry unless you understand how it differs from what we do and put this video in its proper context.

First, let me get something out of the way.  I was a part of a class action lawsuit in 1992 against NuSkin.  As the video states, I was "garage qualified".  NuSkin's model had a monetary threshold to qualify for executive bonuses.  It is kind of embarrassing to think back on, but let me simply say, "been there, done that", to the tune of $3K a month.  Whether I was a naive dreamer, or I was duped doesn't really matter now, just suffice it to say that I intimately and painfully understand the "voice" John Oliver is representing.

Second, let me say that I enjoy his humor, generally.  And, although he denigrates Network Marketing in this piece, I can't say that I absolutely disagree with everything he says - especially for tangible, product-based MLM's.

So, how do we differ?  First, our products are digital information products that are delivered over the internet.  We don't inventory anything that does not exist on your computer hard drive.  The value we create is in building people who build a business in a community of competence.  This is a good thing.

Second, our compensation model does drive width and depth, but it is not completely analogous due to fundamental structural differences.  We collect 100% of payments and do not have an over-ride component for uplines... there are more factors... not the least of which is that of the money we earn, the CEO does not receive a penny - ever.  However, the money is not the point here. The point is what we do is different than what is described in this video.

It does get a bit dicey when splitting hairs about the notion of being a "pyramid scheme'".  John Oliver does a pretty effective job of lampooning the idea of a pyramid and attempts to distinguish the accepted corporate pyramid from an MLM pyramid.  He attempts to make the point that if you are selling products to retail customers it is probably a legitimate business. However, if you are only "moving product" through your network, it is probably a pyramid.  We are a hybrid due to the fact that we are a subscription, no different than a financial newsletter.

Another hallmark of pyramid schemes is a guarantee of returns.  We are required to not make income claims and discourage using potential earnings as a "carrot".  We stress that you earn in direct correlation to the value you provide.  Check this one off.

And, smack dab in the middle of all this are the real estate and insurance industries, using a closely allied compensation system. How do they get a free pass?  And what about franchises?  Or, the in-home sales home improvement industry?

We do business with self-selected people who participate in our community that is interconnected and interdependent - and who choose to invest their personal resources.  This benefits those who participate under the umbrella of an agreed-upon business model. Our market consists of people who want to attain financial security.  Instead of homes or life insurance, people have the option to choose something allied to what we do.  We sell a system, a platform to earn money between informed and consenting adults.

Someone needs to explain how this is unreasonable and deserving of derision?  In fact, I advocate that this is socially redeeming and worthy "work" due to the fact that we change peoples' finances, we impact lives, raise self-esteem and are relevant to a whole host of other positive attributes.

Can anyone do it, and will everyone be successful?  We know the answer to this one.  But the problem is not the business model.  The problem is people's ability to adapt to and integrate change into their lives (first), and; having the aptitude to learn and apply new things i.e. execute and implement (second), then; teaching what they have learned to others to perpetuate a culture of competence.  No, not everyone can do it, otherwise, everyone would be.  Many people can not adapt to the change required.  If people try and fail, they need to look no further than the mirror.  It has nothing to do with the business model, other than it inherently relies on the transfer of skills and knowledge.

John Oliver is not really being unfair in this piece - but you need to understand, he is not talking about what we do.  Take pride and understand that our mission is to help people in what has been described by our CEO as a "culture of assistance".  What we do is worthy,

I will repeat this simple truth: what we do is worthy.  John Oliver is talking about "the old" segment of our industry and to a degree, this segment legitimately warrants its comeuppance.

Going to School in Our Community

What we do is not unlike going to school.  The difference is that you will be paid to do so.  Leave no doubt however that there are things to learn, skills to develop, tools to use.  All of this requires effort and commitment.

I talk about managing and incorporating "change" in many places, so I do not want to make this the focus here.  My goal is to convey what the nitty-gritty of what all this means (as a practical matter) if you "buy in" to consciously choosing to alter how you spend hours of your day consistently and with perseverance in joining our community.

So what do you need to know?  What skills will you need to acquire?

Initially, most everything is / can be done on the Google platform. Using Gmail "for all it is worth" is an important first skill. This involves simple things like setting up multiple accounts and understanding how to use them for different purposes.  When you get more advanced, you will want to invest in an autoresponder, but Gmail will get you where you need to go initially.

Then, there is understanding the back office of our business and what it can do for you.  It has tools and strategies you can follow. There are training videos in the back office and on YouTube.  There are Facebook groups. There are weekly training calls and webinars...  Getting "tuned into" all of this stuff is important initially.

These two things should happen relatively quickly. When you get things rolling, and you have these fundamentals under your belt, you will want to understand who our market is and how to reach them. You will need to make decisions about "what you will do" to build your business.  This varies for everyone, but Internet Marketing (or) Online Business inherently shares the common feature of computer use.  There are strategies to use social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram...) Later,

If you have the "chops" to do so, you can create a blog to brand yourself.  You don't necessarily need to create all of the content, but can aggregate and curate information and create an online presence to enhance your credibility.

All of this happens incrementally.  Step by step, day by day, you "go to school" and learn new things. All of these things are geared toward getting what you are offering in front of people for them to evaluate.  To make it really simple, this will / should occupy half of your time initially.  You need to be constantly learning new things - creating resources and applying them to what we do.  The other half of your time needs to be engaged in working with other people to help and support them in the same process.  This involves seeking out the right people and resources to get questions answered that will enable you to implement / execute.

Beyond all of the learning and teaching, the bottom line is this:  our job is to get what we have to offer in front of people for them to evaluate.  At the end of the day, the more people we expose, the more money we will make.  Not everyone will be interested.  Our job is to work with the ones who are - and help them determine if what we do is a good fit for themselves and their families.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Got 'Em? Great - If Not, Get 'Em

If you bring skills to the table that will contribute to your success, great.  This article will tell you what these skills are.  If you don't, you need to be willing to commit to learning them.

So, what are the skills and tools you need?  At the most fundamental level there is something we call getting "Google-ized".  This includes:

  • Gmail - having Gmail accounts and understanding all they have to offer is fundamental.  As examples, knowing how to create an account that is specifically set to reply automatically.  How to create a hyperlink that directs people to another place on the internet.  Understanding that you can have multiple Gmail account for different purposes.
  • Google Voice - you can have a free phone to used for business purposes and to use as a texting platform
  • As you evolve, you will want to understand Blogger and Sites and have the ability to "create" content and share it.  These resources will position you as an authority in whatever you choose to talk about.
Then, there is the back office of our business and understanding the marketing tools including the capture page system and the other free (and) pay-to-play tools.  There is email capability here too.

Again, as you evolve, you will want to understand Social Media and how this "figures" into your mix. There are things called "business pages" that are separate from your personal page.  There are groups you will want to be aware of and become a part of.  In addition to Facebook and Twitter, there is Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest... and the rest of the Social Media rabbit hole.

Having a private autoresponder (Aweber, GetResponse, MailChimp, any of the many others) will be in your future, again, as you surpass the fundamentals of getting started.

This gives you an idea of the "stuff" that makes the toolkit of an online marketer.  If you have "no interest" in learning any of this, then what we offer will not be a good fit for you.

If you can invest a bit of time everyday learning and applying these skills, then there is every reason to expect that you will have success.  Nothing happens without learning and growth.. and then having the ability to pass along and help others learn and integrate what you know.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Building Trust

Relationships develop over time.  With time, and with the ups and downs that all relationships take, you develop trust.  After all, how do you judge that someone or something is being reliably truthful? How do you know that you are not being "fed" bunk and people are not simply trying to put their hand on your wallet?

There is a communication dynamic called "instant intimacy".  In communication terms, it is not really the same thing as love at first sight.  The process of information exchange typically (in normal social interactions) go through layers of information from public, then social, then personal and finally (over time) intimate information.  Instant intimacy is really instant trust to allow people into your world and to engage in intimate topics.

The reason what we do is at times, tough - is that "money" is a very personal/intimate topic for most people, especially if you don't have enough of it.  As marketers, we violate and blast right through the outer two layers of information exchange.  So, how do we compensate for this?

As you will find out as you become more familiar with our business philosophy, first and foremost, we are a relationship-centered, community-based and culturally grounded model.  We encourage "look before you jump" and "learn all you can" kinds of reasonableness.  But at the same time, before we lose people, there has to be an element of instant intimacy to capture people's attention and a handful of their belief.

As such, everything we do, everything we say has to be viewed as "refreshingly honest".  It has to be different and unique in the marketplace of money opportunities.  It has to be both reasonable and well-reasoned.  There is no room for anything other than genuine and earnest information with the inherent goal of developing trust.

It is somewhat sad in industry and marketing terms - that the central thesis here is to simply be honest. What does this say about marketing in general?  In any event, this is how we roll.  We want to move people through an information acquisition process and be as transparent and candid as we can.

In doing so, we hopefully build and earn trust.

What Do You Want?

...and what are you going to do to get it?

Let's put a little sharper point on the pencil here.  We are talking about money.  Money lubricates life. If you are not meeting your bills rights now... if you want something you can't afford right now... if you have college loans to pay... if  you are not set up well for retirement and have no realistic Plan B... name your need:_____________________.

No matter the reason for you needing more money, addressing these needs is (and will remain) a dream or a wish unless you have a strategy to close the gap between where you are, and where you want to be.

What we do is offer ONE option.  ONE alternative.  ONE thing for you to consider.  The reality is that there are a million ways to make money.  You only need ONE.  What we do may or may not be that ONE thing.  Our point is that if you brush off what we do and don't have a serious look, you are significantly short-changing yourself (your life, your future).

Money is fuel.  It powers the things you want in life. You won't know if our fuel is dry garss and twigs, or if it is liquid nitrogen under pressure - until and unless you give what we do a fair "read", an honest evaluation and compare it to every other thing you have ever heard of and considered as a way to make money.

You owe this to yourself and to your family - if you have one.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Broke and Broken

This post is going to be a bit tough, but it is the unvarnished reality.  You won't find many people who are trying to recruit warm bodies, do the numbers and see who sticks...  talking about this.

From our perspective, we want to be selective and help people we introduce to what we do and self-select.  In this context, here's the deal:  you will not build a business working with broke and broken people.  Yes, this may sound harsh, but unfortunately, it is absolutely true.

First, let's address broke.  Being in business inherently involves the creation of commerce (the exchange of money for something of value).  Many people are simply not wired for this.  The "why" behind this is not easily answered.  However, the broad stroke on this topic is that people who have been surviving month to month and living hand-to-mouth simply do not have the risk tolerance to do anything outside of their current experience and comfort zone.  Therefore, they remain "stuck".  They don't have (and won't risk) the money it takes to get out of their box.  There is no judgment here. It is a safe way to survive.  However, it erases a huge segment of what otherwise could be a much larger potential market. If, for about the price of a dinner out for two (a month) - to get started in a business that can absolutely be life-altering is too much... this in all probability this qualifies someone as broke.

Second, many people are broken (or) their notions about what we do are broken.  I am not going to go down this rabbit hole too far.  There are so many reasons why this is the case... and as many scenarios as there are people.  I will say however thr number of past failures in home-based-business "type deals" is a big one.  The readily available social pronouncement of direct sales opportunities with an organization-building component as "scams" is another.  People "buy" these arguments as valid without a complete examination.  This is "the way it is" for some people. Again, no judgment. Everyone has and is entitled to their opinion.

Our goal and our role is to find people who are not broke or broken.  There are plenty of bright and eager people who are receptive to creating an additional source of income.  Our job is to find them and guide them through an information-gathering process.  And, they must have the risk tolerance to reach into their pocket for the first time and part with a sum of money that they will recover completely with their first sale.

This is the truth.  It is intended to: 1) be a barometer for you to use (for yourself) if you are considering joining us, and; 2) if you are already in a business - to understand that you absolutely only want to work with people who have the ability to rise above their mindset of being broke, or elevate themselves beyond being broken.

The reality is this: many, many people are stuck.  We can't spend our time helping people get out of their ditch who are sitting in their car, gunning the gas, and spinning their wheels.  We need to find those who already have the boards under the tires and their shoulder to the bumper and are simply thankful for someone to come along and give them a hand to get back on the road and continue on their journey.

They are out there.  Our role is to find and educate them about what we do.

Consulting / Coaching / Advising

At the end of the day, if you wanted a description of what we do, the goal is to be a consultant and coach.  We advise and counsel and help people determine if they think we can help them through working collaboratively toward financial prosperity.

First, we consult with people and provide information.  We, as business owners, evolve through information acquisition to the point of becoming experts at what we do.  Our "job" is to match people who have the mindset, drive, and resources (with) our business model and our business philosophy.  In this sense, we do not "sell".  We simply guide people through an information and decision-making process.  For the prospect, this is a real bargain, because we offer this service for free.

Second, our role is to coach.  In many places on this blog, I use the word "teach".  I compare the process to going to school.  You need to learn, then take what you have learned and teach it to others. This continuity of information being passed along engenders competence at all levels of your organization.  It is the at the core of everyone's success.

This "concept" of competence takes precedence over anything else.  The business, the business model, the business philosophy... all do not matter unless they are all being competently "driven". Literally, we teach / coach people how do drive our income vehicle.

If you are willing to learn, then teach what you have learned... if you are willing to support and hold others accountable for their effort (or lack of effort)... if you can see yourself being grounded in a foundation of helping others elevate themselves from financial stress and all of the life issues that accompany "lack"... then you can do this.

It is good, redeemable, socially valuable "work".  We genuinely help people become stronger, better, smarter and through all of this:  financially stable.  When you get to the point of believing that this is what you do, there is not stopping anyone from embracing success.

Alan Shawn Feinstein

I live in Rhode Island.  To most people in this state, the "named" in this post is well known.  He gives significant amounts of money to education and then requires schools be named after him.  He still advertises on TV promoting his foundation and philanthropic efforts.  His career has not been without controversy, but overall he is perceived as a good man with a lot of money who attempts to do good in the world. You can look up his Wiki.

The interesting thing here is how this "self-made" man garnered his wealth?  Among being a stamp trader and buying and selling (the physical) Babe Ruth's contract - a significant percentage of his money came from selling a subscription to newsletters.  One was called "The Wealth Maker", and another called "International Insider's Report".  He also wrote booklets called, "How To Make Money" and "How to Make Money Fast".

So what does this have to do with what we do?  It is reported that Feinstein, at his peak, had a circulation / subscription of about 400,000 (a month).  To get to this number, he bought lists from brokers and did direct mail marketing, he also advertised in magazines... (Neither of these we do or advocate).

Although I have not been able to find the number, for illustration purposes, let's say his subscription was $10 a month.  For the time it lasted, that is $4 million a month.  These are lofty numbers and explain why he can give money away in million dollar chunks.  Thirty-six million a year spells success by anyone's standard.

What we do is completely parallel. We provide the structure (the platform) that enables you to market a subscription.  However, instead of having a 400K subscriber base, you need the participation of about 30 people.  Or, to tweak this just a bit, most people need 30 people to replace their income.

The question very simply becomes, "Do you think there are 30 people in this world (who you, along with those in your group can find) that are seeking to change their financial circumstances?"  We explain the money and how it works in the next step of your research.  However, suffice it to say, the monthly commitment is a "sweet spot" of affordability and the out-of-pocket risk is minimal if you get busy and treat your business as a business.

Get back to the person who led you here.  Find out more.  Find out all you can.  Decisions are a function of information.  The information is free.  Your life, your future, your happiness could be in the balance.  All we ask at this juncture is that you do your homework, then decide if it might be a potential "fit".

Friday, September 30, 2016

Money Instructions

Instructions provide detailed information about how something should be done.  As such, instructions are free of bias.  They do not favor anything.  Instructions just tell you what to do.  When you bake a cake out of a box:  1) preheat the oven...  When you assemble a grill:  1) remove contents from packaging and inspect...  We have all followed instructions since we could read.

What if there were a recipe or assembly instructions to make money?  First, do this.  Second, do this. Third...  Then at the end, you will have assembled money.  Can it be that easy?

At great risk of oversimplification, the answer is actually "yes".  It all starts with Step 1, which is learning all you can about our Marketing Group and philosophy of doing business.  Step 2 is learning about the vehicle we use to make money.  Step 3 is to get your questions answered.  Step 4 is deciding to join us.

Once you decide to get involved, there is a whole new set of instructions.  These instructions are tailored to you, based upon your circumstances, the amount of time you can invest, your past experience with sales and marketing... and then putting together a set of instructions that you will follow to enable your success.  These instructions differ for everyone.  Some might call it a game plan... or a strategy...  But the adage applies here:  if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

When considering all of this, you should keep in mind that there are many people very generously profiting from what we do.  However, more importantly, you need to know it "doesn't just happen". It ALL requires thought and effort.

So, let me bring this back to Step 1.  Find out all you can about us.  Read this blog.  Be in touch with the person who led you here and ask about the vehicle we use to make money.  Ask tough questions and be a skeptic.  It's all good.

Prove to yourself that earning money is as easy as following a set of instructions.

We did.  Again, Step 1 is to learn all you can.  Study "us" like your entire future depends on it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Participatory Economics

If the title seems a bit dense, bear with me as I explain.

The central notion of Participatory Economics is that we can produce the conditions that enable you to achieve financial stability.  In time, the goal is to achieve prosperity and ultimately, wealth. Participatory Economics is a process.  It is a philosophy.  It is a strategy.  You control the level of participation through the investment of your time, effort and resources.

On the most basic level, we share and participate in an "idea".  This idea - literally - is that we create our own economy - individually (and) collectively.  We are a community of people with the shared purpose of putting money woes in the rear view mirror.  For far too many people, money is an adversary.  It doesn't need to be this way.

So, how do we do it?

We describe what we do as achieving financial independence through financial inter-dependence.  As adults (of intelligence and having the powers of judgment and discernment) - we subscribe to a common idea, pool common resources and create a common experience.  In this case, the common experience is financial stability through cooperation and helping ourselves through helping others.  At the end of the day, our model compares favorably to a "club" with each member owning individual responsibility for the greater, common good of the group, and also benefiting personally from their involvement.

Our "idea" is based on individuals who take the time to understand and (then) consent to being involved with a community of people who utilize the mechanics of leveraging money to the benefit of everyone who participates.  In this sense, we create our own economy.  Fundamentally, we are our own economy.

We share a common culture and core set of beliefs and values.  We share information, knowledge and collective wisdom in a community of support and culture of assistance.  In the process of all of this, we help people change their relationship to money and to how they earn a living.

All you need to do is to figure out if any of this makes sense to you.  Right now, this is all happening - without you.  This is not a "take away", but simply to say that there is an active and vital community you can choose to join that will support you in your quest to change your financial circumstances. Right now, you can choose to reach out to the person who pointed you here and engage in your first conversation on the phone or via email.  You have everything to gain by simply learning about what we do and deciding if it "fits" with whatever criteria you measure it against.

The ultimate decision is yours as to whether you can make it work.  We are here to provide information and to assist you in making a decision whether joining us makes sense for you at this time in your life.  We will be happy to hear from you.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Subscribe to a New Life

What if you could just "enroll" to change your finances?  What if a monthly subscription, with the ability to enroll other subscribers enabled you to do just that?

This is what we do.  In the most straightforward and refreshingly honest way we can muster, we provide a voice that aspires to elevate your belief that "changing your life" is possible.  We then go a step further and also provide a platform for you to consider to make it happen.

The title of this post, "Subscribe to a New Life" simplifies our business from the most basic concept of a recurring monthly commitment - that can and will  - result in a liberated life that you can live on your own terms.

There is so much more to it - that you can find in the other posts on this blog.  The point here is this:  you can choose to subscribe.  You can choose to work toward a liberated life.

Our goal (our job) is to simply expose you to one way to get there.

Our Model

Saturday, September 24, 2016

An Appeal to Sensibilities

We market a subscription to make money.  If this is taking a moment to sink in, let's rearrange the words.  To make money, we market a subscription.

Essentially, this is our business model. It is a model that enables the development and growth of monthly income.  For the same / predictable / fixed amount that you invest each month, you have the opportunity to receive an unlimited number of subscriptions equal to the same amount - directly deposited into your bank account.

Stable, consistent, predictable money.  This is not a license to wave a wand and "poof" - it just happens.  But at the end of the day, when you have the knowledge, skills, and habits to generate these deposits, it is really a matter of doing the same thing over and over again.

Like many things, the concept is simple.  However, making it happen is not easy.  If it were, everyone would be doing it.

I talk about the obstacles in many other posts on this blog.  The biggest one is most peoples' inability to adapt to change and incorporate new things into their lives / lifestyles.

For this post, I want to keep the "conversation" at a high level and aspirational.  Without the hype, I simply and realistically want to point to the possibility of something that is potentially life altering. To get there, you need to learn all you can, analyze and judge, then jump on board if you think what we do is viable and makes sense.

Our goal as a community is to help.  We teach what we do.  We teach how to find, educate and enroll subscribers.  Sensibly. Practically. Realistically.  While at the same time, strenuously advocating for and engendering the ethos of community, shared experience and financial inter-dependence.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Subscription Income: Become the Magazine Publisher or the Cable Company

We build a subscriber base - on a couple of levels.

First, we ask people to subscribe to our ideas.  We seek people who are willing to adopt our philosophy and values.  Our goal is to build a community that is driven by competence.  Competence infers knowledge and skills, learning and teaching and being a professional at what we do.

Second, we ask people to subscribe to a monthly commitment of money.  This is just like any other subscription, whether it be a magazine, a cable bill or a health club membership.

The difference is this:  you become the magazine publisher or the cable company.  You are the one collecting monthly subscription payments.  In return for your single monthly investment that you make to someone else,  you put yourself in the position to receive many multiple subscription payments to you.

Ultimately we put you in the position to create your own economy. We develop a community of people who share a common understanding and vision, which can (relatively quickly) develop into a full-time income.

  • Our business model compounds money through the application of well understood and time-tested financial mechanics. Our business avails these to you.  
  • We create leveraged residual income employing a simple, automatic monthly subscription.  Our business provides the structure to make this happen.  

It works - and is easy to understand.  Month after month after month - you build a subscriber base that grows and grows and grows.  All you have to do is share the idea like we are doing here.

It is new.  It is technology enabled.  It is simple.  It is clean.  It makes sense.  We are eager to fill in the details for you.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

What Have you Done, Today?

It doesn't matter what it is.  Listen, some people have time.  Some people have money.  Some people have skills.  Many don't have skills.

If you have money, you can invest in tools to automate some of the functions of your business.  If you don't, you have to take a slower path that will inherently require more grunt work.  No matter your starting point, you NEED to be doing something to get "whatever you have to offer" in front of people to evaluate - TODAY.

In our business,this involves getting people to online information where they can look at videos, be directed to blog posts, have the opportunity to read third party reviews and begin the evaluation process of whether what we do will be a good fit for them.

The biggest mistake most "new" people make is spending all of their time initially learning things and not "taking action" to get their message in front of people. It doesn't matter what this might be:  social media, distributing flyers in your neighborhood, walking into businesses and talking to business owners... (this is talked about elsewhere on this blog).  The key is: from day one, do something / anything that smells like marketing (getting your message in front of people for them to evaluate).

Get it?  Got it?  Good.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Group Think

Let's not over-complicate this.  What we do at the most foundational level is build a community (a group of people) who think alike in regard to:
  • a strategy to make money
  • shared values
  • financial inter-dependence
  • mutual support
  • learning and teaching as the keys to success
  • commitment to the long-term
These are at the core.  The vehicle we use to make money could be anything.  The community we build and belong to is the most important aspect of your business.  It is about relationships and belonging. It is about honesty and building on small successes that build into larger and larger successes.

It looks and smells like integrity due to the very real sentiment of people caring for each other and leaving financial struggle in the rear view mirror.

It is about the sacrifice of your time to help others understand the tools and techniques that we use and are necessary to use. This is the work we do.  We help people understand and grow into competence.

Unless we are developing competencies in our "group", the money won't matter, because it will never happen.  Part of this skill set is watching out for and caring for the people who are looking to you for guidance.  

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Earning Platforms

The goal for any business is to make money.  Broadly, any business is an earning platform.  It doesn't matter what the business is.  At the end of the day, money is exchanged for something of real or perceived value.

Our business is an earning platform. It provides the structure to take a relatively small amount of money and leverage it into larger and larger amounts of money.  It is straightforward and systematic geometric growth.

The key to (y)our growth is understanding that competence has to be at the center of this earnings universe.  There is no winging it.  What we do requires competent knowledge, that leads to skills and taking these knowledge and skills and competently applying effort to tell other people what we do -and how they can get involved.

It is our platform - no different than a political party platform - that has pillars that the whole proposition stands on.  Knowledge, competence and effort applied in intelligent and productive ways. There is no need for bluster and to make income claims.  What anyone else "makes" has no bearing on your income.  What someone else "makes" is simply a reflection of how much value they can provide to you based upon their expertise and work ethic.

Productive people intelligently applying effort is what drives our earning platform.  If you are not finding ways every day to tell others about what you do (this defines marketing), you do not have a business and you will not make money.

We teach marketing and tailor it to your time and talents.  You bring your experience to the table (platform) and we help you find ways to flourish.  Leave no doubt.  Knowledge and applied effort translate to competence as a marketer.  Unless you can, and are willing to share what you do with others (tell other people about our earning platform), you will not make a penny.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

"Scam" and "Pyramid Scheme" Marketing

If you Google just about any Home Business opportunity, among the top results, you will find multiple articles eluding to "Scam (or) Not?".   This may typically be accompanied by a claim that identifies what you are researching as a pyramid or Ponzi scheme.  Here's what you need to know.

These terms rank, especially for those who know how to use (manipulate) them to achieve rankings. Because the algorithms at Google look for consumer protection terms, in just about any instance if these keywords are used, they will automatically rank in the search results.  But, here's the deal.

This is a form of reverse marketing.  Scam and pyramid scheme marketing is a strategy. "Scam Marketers" use "the opportunity" you are researching to gain your attention, say some negative things about it, and then switch and pitch you on something that they are marketing.  Oftentimes, this is accompanied by denigrating the founder or anything else they can find from their own Google search to fill a "cesspool article" regarding how awful what you are evaluating is - and to steer clear.

I did not understand this for a long time.  In reality, nothing is perfect and you can find something wrong with anything.  All one has to do is make their laundry list of these things, write about them and then say, "If you want to know what I find superior, take a look at this...".  Frankly, it is sleazy.  

And then, in many of these posts, the author has people in his downline comment on the article agreeing with everything said - to make it appear that there is a ton of social proof.  These posts are infuriating if you know what is actually going on.

You need to use your own powers of discrimination and evaluate our business on its own merits.  You can and will find articles on just about any Affiliate business that claim it is a scam.  This is a dirty little secret. 

The businesses we are involved with do have leverage components.  We do recruit and build organizations, like any business.  Any successful business has a customer base that is conditioned to buy and be loyal.  They buy from you on an ongoing basis - you are their go-to source for whatever you sell.  This fidelity and loyalty to you, whether you are a bank, or a tire brand is how successful businesses are built and thrive.  We are no different.

And one final thing, the structure of our business is not even close to resembling a pyramid.  It is more akin to a silo with width and depth, but not successive layers of increased percentages paid to the company or "people at the top".   Any claims otherwise and attributing the term "pyramid" is simply ignorance or malfeasance to serve one's own ends.

Just a head's up.  This is all stuff you need to know.

We Help People (help themselves)

Our goal and mission is to transfer skills and knowledge.  With the application of these in very specific and targeted ways - we create a path to financial stability.  Then prosperity.  Then total financial independence.

If you think this can be done overnight and without the necessary investment of time to learn and apply, you are (unfortunately) sorely mistaken.  What we do is completely analogous to going to school, getting your degree in teaching - and then being a teacher.  If you can not help others (or this does not appeal to you) then our business will not be a good fit for you.

We do not really "mass market" and look for warm bodies to sign-up.  We much prefer slow, solid growth with people committed to competence (personally) and the competence of a group of people who become professional marketers - whom you have helped and mentored.

Frankly, most people totally miss this in the home business industry - and it the reason for the high failure rate.  I talk about "change" in many other posts on this blog.  Learning and change (or, learning to change) is at the very core of what it takes to be successful.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

What This is About - At Its Core

We were mystified for years at our inability to make money with anything but a conventional “job”. We knew there must be something missing.  Our “Ah Ha!”  moment occurred when we figured out what follows.
We figured there has to be a way to communicate a message with common, mass appeal, and if we figured it out, there could be a lot of money in the balance.  After all, the need for more money is universal… at least for the “99%”.  So what causes such a large majority of people to remain strapped to struggle with poverty constantly nipping at their heels?  Or worse yet, sitting in their laps?
It is not a simple answer.  But wouldn’t it be great if there was a strategy that people could trust that is simple, clear and easily understood?  If that were the case, and enough people rallied around… and the motives behind the whole proposition were transparent and true, then why should it be such a stretch to add money to the equation and allow the law of large numbers to do its work and people could join a community for the purpose of each others’ financial benefit?
So the starting point is not a business opportunity, but a philosophy or mission statement.  It is not about this “deal” or that “program”, but about a community of people who share the common value of being equally invested in participating (and working toward) assisting with each others’ mutual benefit.
Until the mission is “out front” as the marketing message, people will simply not trust that their best interest is being served. Otherwise, it won’t be about a culture that you are inviting people to explore, but it will be about the “money vehicle” that is being used to create a financial engine. This is typically the focus of “opportunities”.
But, to be different, to be “special” the starting point has to be about relationships, community, and common purpose.  Until everyone is on this-same-page, from our perspective, the money vehicle doesn’t matter.
That was our “Ah-Ha Moment” and it was our jumping off point to share a philosophy… to create a safe and trusted “place”… and then tie it to strategies to create streams of income.
If this makes sense to you, we invite you to be in touch with us.   Let’s talk… or exchange an e-mail or two.  Let’s start to build a foundation and see if we are made of the same 'materials'. Relationships matter if you want to build something that will last.  Remember, this is all about mutual benefit and common purpose.  We look forward to getting to know you.