Participatory Economics

If the title seems a bit dense, bear with me as I explain.

The central notion of Participatory Economics is that we can produce the conditions that enable you to achieve financial stability.  In time, the goal is to achieve prosperity and ultimately, wealth. Participatory Economics is a process.  It is a philosophy.  It is a strategy.  You control the level of participation through the investment of your time, effort and resources.

On the most basic level, we share and participate in an "idea".  This idea - literally - is that we create our own economy - individually (and) collectively.  We are a community of people with the shared purpose of putting money woes in the rear view mirror.  For far too many people, money is an adversary.  It doesn't need to be this way.

So, how do we do it?

We describe what we do as achieving financial independence through financial inter-dependence.  As adults (of intelligence and having the powers of judgment and discernment) - we subscribe to a common idea, pool common resources and create a common experience.  In this case, the common experience is financial stability through cooperation and helping ourselves through helping others.  At the end of the day, our model compares favorably to a "club" with each member owning individual responsibility for the greater, common good of the group, and also benefiting personally from their involvement.

Our "idea" is based on individuals who take the time to understand and (then) consent to being involved with a community of people who utilize the mechanics of leveraging money to the benefit of everyone who participates.  In this sense, we create our own economy.  Fundamentally, we are our own economy.

We share a common culture and core set of beliefs and values.  We share information, knowledge and collective wisdom in a community of support and culture of assistance.  In the process of all of this, we help people change their relationship to money and to how they earn a living.

All you need to do is to figure out if any of this makes sense to you.  Right now, this is all happening - without you.  This is not a "take away", but simply to say that there is an active and vital community you can choose to join that will support you in your quest to change your financial circumstances. Right now, you can choose to reach out to the person who pointed you here and engage in your first conversation on the phone or via email.  You have everything to gain by simply learning about what we do and deciding if it "fits" with whatever criteria you measure it against.

The ultimate decision is yours as to whether you can make it work.  We are here to provide information and to assist you in making a decision whether joining us makes sense for you at this time in your life.  We will be happy to hear from you.


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