Got 'Em? Great - If Not, Get 'Em

If you bring skills to the table that will contribute to your success, great.  This article will tell you what these skills are.  If you don't, you need to be willing to commit to learning them.

So, what are the skills and tools you need?  At the most fundamental level there is something we call getting "Google-ized".  This includes:

  • Gmail - having Gmail accounts and understanding all they have to offer is fundamental.  As examples, knowing how to create an account that is specifically set to reply automatically.  How to create a hyperlink that directs people to another place on the internet.  Understanding that you can have multiple Gmail account for different purposes.
  • Google Voice - you can have a free phone to used for business purposes and to use as a texting platform
  • As you evolve, you will want to understand Blogger and Sites and have the ability to "create" content and share it.  These resources will position you as an authority in whatever you choose to talk about.
Then, there is the back office of our business and understanding the marketing tools including the capture page system and the other free (and) pay-to-play tools.  There is email capability here too.

Again, as you evolve, you will want to understand Social Media and how this "figures" into your mix. There are things called "business pages" that are separate from your personal page.  There are groups you will want to be aware of and become a part of.  In addition to Facebook and Twitter, there is Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest... and the rest of the Social Media rabbit hole.

Having a private autoresponder (Aweber, GetResponse, MailChimp, any of the many others) will be in your future, again, as you surpass the fundamentals of getting started.

This gives you an idea of the "stuff" that makes the toolkit of an online marketer.  If you have "no interest" in learning any of this, then what we offer will not be a good fit for you.

If you can invest a bit of time everyday learning and applying these skills, then there is every reason to expect that you will have success.  Nothing happens without learning and growth.. and then having the ability to pass along and help others learn and integrate what you know.


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