Tuesday, April 9, 2019

What is "Fair"?

Fair is a powerful word, perceptually.  It speaks to both sides of anything being in equilibrium... i.e. fair and balanced.

Fair means you get yours, and I get mine - and we are both happy with the result.  So, what does this have to do with our business and our Community?

It is out or a posture of fairness that we want to operate.  We create financial independence through financial interdependence.  Inter means between.  We (you and me) are linked and this concept of "fair".  It extends to everything we do.

However, is it realistic to expect that everyone will invest the same effort?  If not, is this fair?  How do we deal with people who are initially a ball-of-fire, but then peter out and become non-productive?  Do we cajole and attempt to motivate?

Let's take a step back.  We try to attract people who understand standards and expectations.  Our Community is all about, "What it takes".  This is expressed in effort - consistently applied.  Non-productive means not applying effort.

People and their circumstances differ.  Someone working full-time and caring for an elderly parent... and doing our business is much different than a college student who has comparatively less to deal with.  There simply will not be the same amount of hours in a day when effort can be applied.

This comes full circle in accepting people "where they are" and what they bring to the table.  There is no common baseline.  Therefore, it makes no real sense in trying to calibrate what is "fair".

Fair is progress.  Fair is moving forward.  Fair is small successes leading to larger successes.  Fair is being engaged in one's own process pursuant to their goals.  Fair is dictated by one's own standards that are put through the filter of our Community Standards.

Ultimately, what is "fair" is working with people that is "in kind" with their level of effort.  At the minimum, as a mentor, we owe this level of reciprocation.  We invest in people to the level that they invest in themselves.  The committed, the hungry, the active need to be met with the same.  If someone is on a slower, less aggressive trajectory, we need to be mindful and attentive to their progress, however, progress is the metric on which attention is paid.

It is only fair.  Business is about many things, but ultimately it is about transactions and making money.  If someone (anyone) is not engaged in behaviors that will result in earnings, eventually they will atrophy and die in terms of being deserving of your time and attention.

We do our best to prevent this from happening.  It is contrary to our culture and values.  However, we can only reciprocate and reflect back positive effort and move forward with those who have their game face on and "bring it" consistently.

Agreeing Slowly

Frankly, we don't want people "jumping at a hot opportunity".  This is not what we are about.

We offer a long-term proposition that requires patience to get there and understanding of a great deal of content (to get there).

Therefore, as you "recruit", allow for peoples' consideration in learning about what we do and their natural skepticism.  Our job is to provide a context for constructive information acquisition.  We enable adult decisions that have a real-world-bearing on peoples' futures.  Treat it as such.

If we provide an experience that is thoughtful and purposeful, we will greatly enhance the probability of those we work with being around long-term.

So don't rush it.  Don't pressure.  Make a friend.  Provide guidance.  Have conversations about real possibilities.

It will serve you, long-term.

Understanding the Four C Formula

Building a bridge between knowing what to do - and - doing it, is the starting point of "what it takes" to be successful in managing a home business.

This blog, our Training Site, and many other resources are instructive in laying out a game plan for what-to-do.  This is the pragmatic... the daily grind... the activities... the hours invested.

Then there is aspiration... what you want, the reason for your involvement, what is driving you - some call it your "why?".

You would think these two things are inextricably linked.  But somehow in the process of life happening, there is a disconnect.  This results of what-you-want are not supported by what-you-do.

Having a vision of where you are going is critical.  It requires a "grand plan"... a strategy to get there.  This is broken down into skills and knowledge that needs to be applied, both in the academic sense of learning, but also in the athletic sense of practicing and performing.  In football terms, it is the difference between watching film during the week in a classroom and playing the game on the weekend.

To be a winner, you need both.  What you learn needs to be applied pursuant to your goal(s).  Knowledge without application is derelict.  My father used to refer to this as being an "educated bum".  I have termed it as one being an "intellectual vagrant", or simply, knowledge not applied is useless.

Keep engaged.  Professional Development happens both when you are learning and teaching.  In doing so, you refine your thinking, hone your delivery and in so doing, you build your value.

The greater your value, the more money you make.  It is the Law of Compensation (or) The Rules of Reciprocity.  You get what you give.  You reap what you sow.  Or, think of it in terms of this "C formula":  Competence + Credibility + Contribution = Compensation.

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Underemployed

So you have a job.  Let me ask, are you satisfied with your life?  Do you want more?  So then let me also ask, are you capable of doing more?

Just about everyone thinks they should get paid more money.  This inherently defines underemployment (from your perspective).  A problem arises when you feel disillusioned and left-behind... forgotten about... taken for granted.  There is little we can do "in the system" to change this.

This leads to frustration and apathy and people "hating" what they do.  Essentially, it is a life wasted doing things with no intrinsic value other than being a part of the same system (for the masses) that enables you to pay the rent and put food on the table.  What's worse, for most, is that there is no light at the end of the tunnel.  Many people are simply resolved to this as their reality.

So let me ask again, are you capable of doing more?  And, if so, what would that be?  We offer one alternative, but this "something more" doesn't need to be "our" alternative.  Broaden your lens.  If you don't have enough money because you are underemployed, what are you willing to do about it?

We teach an alternative.  This is what a Learning Community exists for... to perpetuate a cycle of teaching and learning, teaching and learning... focused on core skills, values, and processes.

If you are underemployed and want more, look in the mirror. Find something (anything) that will enable you to earn extra.  For some (in the masses category), this means a second job with another hourly wage scenario in the "oppression" system.

For many others (those for whom this is written to inspire), there is a whole world of opportunity that is based on personal value and personal production.  This world functions off of the Law of Compensation where competence and compensation are inextricably linked.

To gain competence in a specialized field, you have to learn new things.  Our Learning Community teaches these things with the goal of income supplementation leading to income replacement.

At that point, you will be in a position to determine if having a job still fits with who you are and how you function in this world.

So let me ask one last time, are you capable of doing more?

Thursday, April 4, 2019

My Conversation with a Hedge Fund Owner

It has been interesting since my profile has elevated on Linkedin, I am getting contacts from various people seeking synergies - open to exploring how we may be of benefit to each other.

This morning I spoke with Matt who owns a hedge fund and says he is in the lineage of Warren Buffet... in terms of training and philosophy.  He tells me he learned from a guy who learned from WB...

In describing my business, I found myself saying that my goal is to give people the skills to improve their circumstances... the guy or gal who is one paycheck away from disaster... Joe or Jane Sixpack who doesn't know that a whole universe of opportunity exists that s/he had no idea about... and is thrilled to get in on "the game" once this portal to new opportunity presents itself.

On the other hand, his "pitch" was essentially about good months and bad months with about a 10% monthly return in the good months... annualized to about 30-40%.  Seems to me, that would be a whole lot of heartburn in suffering through the bad months and a wild roller coaster ride.  Phew!

I told him my business does not require a large up-front capital investment, is much less risky as a result and can realize a 200% return over and over again within days or weeks... with an incremental, progressive investment scenario that is perpetually self-funding.

I described reinvestment and this resulting in sequential and strategic growth... all backed by a Learning Community where we teach skills, processes, and mindset.  I told him about our model of people helping people to visualize and actualize becoming a professional home business owner...

It was a great opportunity to contrast two ways of making money.  On the one hand, a Hedge Fund owner seeking big chunks of money to invest, and; me providing the juxtaposition of earning money through growth... both personally and financially - fueled by human beings, not algorithms and market speculation.

Obviously, I think ours is a better path to long term financial security.

The Role of Respectability

Anyone with a conscience needs to be proud of what they do.  This pride extends to all areas of our business.  Our mission, how we operate, how we treat people... are all internally consistent with each other.  Your role is to rise to this level of expectation.  That is, to rise to the level of a Professional home business owner who offers value to those you work with.

Being respected as a role model in terms of how you comport yourself, the "clues" you leave to others about success, and the overt expression of your leadership all combine to form the mantle you wear on a daily basis.  The adage is, "respect is earned".

Digging deeper, the more problematic aspect of respectability is in regard to our business model and fighting the stigma of person-to-person commerce.  There is no getting around the fact that we battle the, "oh... it's one of those things" perception of our industry.  In many cases, this reputation is warranted due to the failure rate... (and) of people spending money and not succeeding.  Unfortunately, there is a long sorry history of business flops and broken dreams - most under the old model of product-based direct selling.

Our model is new, clean and simple.  However, we can't simply jump to claiming respectability as a result.  Again, we need to dig deeper.  We need to have the ability to articulate, "why?"

We help people.  Or more precisely, we have the ability and the potential to help people.  Whether this happens is ultimately the responsibility of the one being helped.

Our Learning Community, our training resources, our onboarding process, and the support offered makes us unique in the peer-to-peer marketing industry.  We are different from anything else "out there".  This personalization experience, this guided process, this conscious intent to help ensure people's success is a difference that warrants respect.

Our candor, our "not for everyone" mantra, our constant admonitions about integrating change - all contribute to the fact that we are not attempting to "pull the wool over anyone's eyes" but are sincerely committed to helping people elevate their life circumstances.

We seek quality, not quantity.  We drive deep and lasting relationships.  And, we provide the tools and processes to enable the same.  This is our difference.  This is what is deserving of respect.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Your Schedule - Your Success - Your Life

Getting to the "change" necessary to manage a successful home business is difficult. I offer the assertion  (the reason) people do not succeed is due to their inability to incorporate change into their daily habits and routines.

A big part of knowing "how to go about it" is tied to taking intentional steps on a daily basis.  This inherently has to be a "plan" of how you are going to invest your time doing "what" it takes.  Most people do this on Sundays.  On Sunday, you know what your week looks like for the next 6 days.

If you work, you know when that is.  You know how much time it takes to get there.  If you exercise, you know when that is.  ...when you prepare food and then eat.  When you walk the dog.  All the rest of the time is "potentially" when you can work on building your business.

If you write it in a schedule, you are making a commitment to yourself.  It is a mental contract that says, "Tuesday at 6:30 after the kitchen is cleaned up, I am going to (what you are going to do).  This presupposes that you have defined the activities that constitute your "what"... i.e. your business building strategy.

This is how success is built.  It is thoughtful and intentional.  These thoughts and this intent happen on Sunday night for the coming week.  Otherwise, you are just "winging it".  Your Google or Outlook calendar need to become your best ally.  You can color code different activities... blue for work, green for food, red for exercise.... then you can copy this template week to week and then fill in WHEN you are going to "work" on your business... in say ORANGE.

Online:  posting to groups, placing classified ads, creating a blog, commenting in forums, doing paid advertising... if none of these... then...

Offline: belly-to-belly talking to people in Retail, tagging doors and cars with mini flyers, making signs and posting them around town, going to flea markets and talking to all the vendors, going to events and approaching people...

WHAT are you going to do?  Then... schedule when you are going to do it.

Do it as if your future and your life depend on it.  Why?  Because it does.

The simple, bold and brutally honest truth is:  most people are incapable of making this sacrifice and commitment and will not take one hour on a Sunday night (morning?) and plan their coming week.

No fault of the business model.  If you are on-boarded correctly, and you have a strategy of what-to-do that you have agreed upon... and you fail to invest the time in doing it...

The results you get will be obvious.  Don't let that happen to you.  Learn to use your calendar and allow it to become your best ally and friend.  Then teach others to do the same.

Be a mentor, be a role model.  Be an accountability partner. Be a success.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Selling or Sharing?

Let's face it.  Most people don't want to do what it takes to build a business.  This is the reason for the failure rate in the Relationship Marketing business.  It has nothing to do with the business model, compensation structures, upline support... There is an old adage, "Nothing happens until something is sold".  Or in reverse, until something is sold, nothing happens.

So, if we soften it a bit, and call it "sharing"... it nonetheless comes down to the idea that "a rose is a rose by any other name".  Call it anything you want.  Commerce needs to be transacted.  Money needs to change hands.  It all starts with getting "what you have" in front of people for them to evaluate.

The bottom line is this:  unless you figure out "how" and commit "to" the fact that you need to get what you have in front of people, nothing will happen.  "How to" and "what you are willing to do" will drive your success.  This can't be a maybe.  It has to be thoughtful, strategic and tied to daily discipline(s).  Otherwise, you are just "wingin' it".

So, let me ask again... what are you willing to do?  What can you commit to that blends with your time, the skills you bring, and the money you can invest?

Here's the rub.  In your present life, you cannot just decide not to go to work (if you have a job).  Or, if you own a brick and mortar business, you cannot decide not to open on many days... you either lose your job or go out of business.  Well, this is exactly where many home-business-owners end up.  They don't show up... and they don't get paid.  Why would anyone expect any different result?

So let me ask anyone who is not inclined to "sell"... let me frame it this way:  are you willing to do what is uncomfortable for a year to position yourself for a better future?  Are you willing to disrupt your life and integrate daily (or scheduled) disciplines pursuant to exposing your message to "x" number of people a day?

How about these numbers?  Set a goal of 1200 people in a year.  This is 100 a month - 25 a week - 3.57 a day.  So, can you do 15 on the weekend and the other 10 on Tuesday and Thursday?  This is scheduled, not daily... but it gets to the same result.  The reality is this: they are both intentional.

It can be online or offline... it can be face-to-face, it can be posting in Groups... it can be posting classified ads, it can be tagging cars or apartment complex doors with mini-flyers... set up at a flea market, or simply go to a flea market and talk to all of the vendors, contact organizations:  churches, PTO's, youth sports, medical malady causes...  If you have the skills, make videos and create funnels... or create a blog like I have done here.  Let me ask the question again:  what are you willing to do?  What are you willing to commit to that results in 25 conversations a week?  Or, 25 views of your video?

Without this clear intention and commitment, save your money, don't consider a home business.  Go to work, resolve yourself to your status quo life and understand that you were not willing to make the sacrifices and do-what-it-takes to elevate beyond your current circumstances.

Time to look in the mirror.

Monday, March 11, 2019

The American Dream

The American Dream is a lie.  It is a hoax perpetrated on the majority of people in this country.  Work hard.  Get ahead.  Equal Opportunity...  This is simply an aspirational "message".  It is an adage that suppresses prosperity and ignores the fact that "working" for an hourly wage (or even a generous salary) will not lead you to financial prosperity.  It is a myth.

If your income is "predictable" in the coming year, you are buying the lie.  Sure, you may position yourself for a raise or promotion.  This will elevate your circumstances marginally.  However, at the end of the year, you will still have a finite "number" to budget around, save from and invest with.

Schools totally fail our youth by not teaching the concept of leverage.  Leverage drives wealth and yet the concept is ignored (outside of how interest works) as a general principle of financial education and literacy.  The WPNM Community exists to share the fact that many great tools exist to create financial leverage that are both credible and viable means to leverage both time and money.

This is what we do.  This is what we teach in our Learning Community.  We expose people to ways to leverage their finite pool of money into an ever-expanding resource of financial growth.  No caps.  No constraints.  No ceilings.

It doesn't just "happen".  It is a process of learning and execution.  It requires a mindset of deliberate intention and utilizing tools and strategies that crush the potential of an hourly wage or salary.

It is all possible and you fall into one of two groups:  you "see it", or; you don't.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Ten Cents a Day Prospecting

One of these a day is 16 touches.  Per week: 112.  Per month:  458.  No need to get a re-direct URL initially.  Simply make a word document and print it.  Then take it to your favorite Copy Center and make as many copies as make sense.

Staple them together in Packs of 10 or so, and place on Bulletin Boards... anywhere there are bulletin boards.  Need help?  Reach out to your enroller.

Please know that the links in this flyer are "active" and belong to the author of this blog and this is a resource I actually use.  This post is for illustration purposes.  DO NOT join with me if you are working with someone else.  Use their links.  Do not fill out any forms on my resources if you were introduced by someone else.  Thanks.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Additional Revenue

I find it amazing.  People complain about "lack".  Not enough money.  Driving a lousy car that needs constant fixing. No vacations. Rarely going out to dinner... and forget about plays or concerts or anything that "busts" the budget...

Most people are indentured to their jobs.  Business owners sometimes have it worse and are owned by the hours necessary to keep their heads above water.  Exhaustion and frustration rule lives as people barely "make it".

The idea of additional revenue is a simple one.  Doing something (anything) to make more money seems straightforward enough.  Then, let me ask... why don't more people have more than one source of income?

My contention is that it is a matter of education.  It is a matter of understanding the rational case for the viability of something that is good and genuinely capable of having success with.

Then, "knowing" is of little use unless you are willing and capable of sharing (selling) what you have to offer to others.  It is a matter of knowing what to do, and then going and doing it.

Additional revenue is absolutely possible and it is a matter of degree or scale in terms of how much you generate.  Results are a function of effort.  The effort involves learning what to do and then executing on that knowledge.

There are many legitimate and viable ways to create additional revenue for yourself and your family.  It is a matter of evaluating, making a decision, then making a commitment.  Then, having a strategy in place to do what is necessary to make it happen.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Master Plan for Life Transformaiton

Simple on its surface.  I want to ask, "is it"?

I want to propose that "what we do" can transform lives that go well beyond the "Sign Up & Try It" model of business builder recruitment.  This needs to be postured within a framework that people know what they are signing up for (and) if they are sincerely committed to getting from where they are - to where they want to be.

The graphic above speaks to "what it takes".  In a sense, it is the bitter pill of reality.  It is a  framework that does not sugarcoat the fact that "life transformation" is possible, however, it requires taking necessary steps to gain a full understanding and appreciation "how to get there".  Said differently, it takes learning and effort that results in a change in life circumstances.

What we do is wonderful.  If you are new, you will come to know and embrace this. In its leadership philosophy - in its consumer benefit - in its overall worthiness. However, the use of the platform requires a major shift in thinking and behaving.  People's success in benefitting from the platform requires making a successful transition from "how they used to do things" to build a business "how they structure their time" in inviting others to use the platform.  Then, it goes one level deeper...

I contend that the most critical aspect of making any business work is a well-reasoned on-boarding and engagement "experience" for new members.  In other words, people need to be "started right".  They need the information and tools to be comfortable in making their first purchase... and at the same time they need to understand how their participation fits into the larger context of "life transformation".  The following four parts make up this whole.

Financial Literacy
This is on two levels.  First, people need to understand how the financial aspects of any platform work.

Second, people need to understand the "big picture" of the earning potential.  This has implications in developing a strategy that will first result in parallel income, leading to replacement income.  When someone achieves the milestone of equaling their income, at this point, they will be in the position to be making major life decisions in terms of their job or career.

In order to facilitate the exchange of information necessary, we have developed this Onboarding Tool.  This tool also addresses other factors as they relate to the framework of transformation.  The following four constructs are foundational to the Onboarding Process, however, for purposes here, they are just touched upon.

Values Assimilation
It goes without saying that the values normally thought of: work ethic, transparency, honesty, integrity, collaboration, decency, respect... are set as standards and met by expectation.  This is true of any community that understands the importance of creating a culture in which everyone is valued for what they bring to the table and helping everyone achieve the level of success they aspire to.

Knowledge and Skills Acquisition
In order to be an earner, you need to be a learner.  The more you know, the more people you teach, the more money you will make.  The Law of Compensation tells us that you will be paid in direct proportion to the value you offer.

This can apply to many areas, but the bottom line is that it means time invested in acquiring skills and knowledge on the front end, and teaching these same things to others on the back end.  Again, the more people you teach, the more money you make.  In this sense, you are paid to be an educator, you are paid to be an accountability partner, you are paid to be a homework assigner, coach, mentor, support system.  All of these are skill sets.  At the end of the process, you are paid to be a Professional vested with the responsibility to nurture others to Professionalism.

Lifestyle Adaptation
I say this in many places in many ways.  The single biggest obstacle that prevents people from succeeding in a home business is their inability to integrate change into their lives.  As stated previously in this article, this is on two levels.  First, in modifying behavior and sharing the platform at every opportunity.  Second, committing the time to learn and teach... in other words... hours invested.  In the Getting To Know Each Other resource, many of these lifestyle "issues" are attempted to be uncovered and addressed - to the extent that they can be impediments to success.

Life Transformation is possible..  There are costs associated with your time and the sacrifices you will inherently need to make.  The question for anyone is whether you are willing to make the sacrifices necessary.  Are you willing to "do what it takes"?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


I have a theory and a corollary to it.  People won't use and embrace what they don't understand.  The corollary:  more people will embrace and use what they do understand.

The goal of education is understanding.  Take a math problem.  Once you learn the steps that need to be taken to understand how to solve an algebra equation, you can then go on to solve an algebra equation with similar variables.

We can frame this in terms of the learning curve.  Is it a steep learning curve, with many facets and relatively complex variables?  Or does something tend more to the side of being a "no brainer" and easy-to-comprehend?

The variable that will fuel the success of any business is "how simply" it can be explained.  Success rests squarely on the pillars of understanding and adoption.  Understanding and adoption is predicated by behavior modification.  So, the real question is, "How do we get people to modify their behaviors?"  Then, how do we make these behaviors"stick" as a conscious choice of on-going, long-term engagement?

Yes, there is money.  However, the money is an end-state, not a first step.  It is a motivating factor, but unless you "buy into" the system (figuratively), the money doesn't matter, because you won't make any.  There has to be conscious intent to the extent that behaviors (daily activities) become the norm of how someone's life functions.  This requires effort.  It requires strategy.  It requires an overall understanding of how all the pieces fit together and function as a whole.

If not done right.  Efficiently.  Effectively.  I will not go so far as to say the enterprise is doomed, however, I will say that it will stymie growth and inhibit the overall potential of the enterprise.

Marketing and Recruitment are fundamental.  These are the fuel to the potential pool of people transacting commerce (and) for those choosing to build a business.  Once someone says "yes" is when the real "test" begins.

I could hack my way through it by trial-and-error, make mistakes, get frustrated and end up saying, "why didn't they just explain that in the first place"?  For someone committed to making something work... they will stick around long enough to get the answer.  For many, they will simply say, "Too much, too complicated, not user-friendly... c-ya".

Simply, my appeal here is that we need to be educators with the tools to explain the benefits of any platform.  The first level of this is understanding how to transact business on the platform and this is preceded by how to set up and connect all of the tools... and how they are related.

Next, there needs to be a repository of "case study" or "examples" of how people are achieving success.  This could include bios of the people sharing... pursuant to the goal of community and culture creation.   We need to see the many colors of the rainbow... and how creative people are in utilizing the platform.

So much for stream-of-consciousness writing.  This is long enough.  Hopefully, the abrupt ending will not detract from the points attempting to be made here.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Constructive Change: ADAPT

I had a Professor in Grad School named Max Raines.  The ADAPT model is his.  It was explained to us in the context of High School Seniors making the transition to a successful college experience.  As you will see, the model here is used in making the transition from "where you are" to "where you want to be" as an entrepreneur/home business owner.

To make this happen will require thought and introspection.  It will require work and humility as well as honesty and vulnerability.

ADAPT is an acronym with each letter representing the following:  1) Activate Commitment, 2) Develop Supports, 3) Adjust Expectations, 4) Prioritize Goals, and 5) Transpose Identity.

So, let's take each of these and apply it to help us get from "here to there".  Each of these areas is meant to be a brief introduction.  When learning this content, it was a full semester for me.

1) Activate Commitment:  This is putting a stake in the ground.  It is planting a flag and saying, "Let's do this".  Of course, this is preceded by doing your "homework" and making a decision based on facts and solid rationale.  Focus on the word "activate".  It infers s making something happen.  To that end, the first step in making a successful transition is to "commit".  For some, this is a leap of faith.  For others, it is based on the credibility of the person introducing something.  Our hope, with our business, is that a commitment is made based on thoughtful analysis and a pragmatic review of all of the variables that can potentially impact your success or failure.  Then, and only then, should you make an informed decision that making a commitment that will be in your best interest.

2)  Develop Supports:  Social Commerce is social.  It is sharing.  It is educating.  It is taking an interest in another human being and helping them become competent and professional.  This is perhaps the most important of the steps because if not done fully or properly, people get disenchanted, frustrated and then "drop".

Through this process of developing supports, reality sets in.  We get to know people by using this tool.  Getting to know someone in a forced, accelerated fashion... and getting to know their core drivers, values and competencies is the best way to baseline where someone is, and their ability to articulate where they want to go.  Along with this, is what they are willing to commit to in getting there.

3)  Adjust Expectations:  Step 2 provides a baseline of  "where you are".  It is a brutally honest look at your life, complete with strengths and weaknesses.  Based on this, you will have a better sense of what is realistic.  Will you need to learn new things?  Will you need to work at changing behaviors and how you invest the finite hours of your day?

This is a reckoning and reconciliation of the inventory of what you bring to the table as a person of value who is worthy of being followed.  There can be no value judgments here.  This simply has to be an honest assessment of who you are and what you need to work on.

This is perhaps the biggest failure of the "networking" industry.  The monkey-see-monkey-do model and pointing people in the direction of resources falls well short of a tailored strategy that will genuinely help individual progress toward success.  People at this stage come to realize that there is work involved - and as a consequence, either rise to the challenge or cower and fade.

4)  Prioritize Goals:  This step infers you have goals that now need prioritizing.  Wanting to make money is a hope or a wish without an executable plan to make it happen.  Therefore, prioritizing goals is really about articulating what it is you need to be doing, and then managing your time to make them happen.

As you might infer, this comes down to the nitty-gritty of schedules, to do lists, daily activities... all in the pursuit of executing a plan.  Another way of saying it:  Your Business Plan.

5)  Transpose Identity:  Your identity is who you are.  This process, if worked through comprehensively, will provide or reveal all of the variables that if identified, confronted and worked on - will enable you to emerge as someone "new".  You will be more competent and confident as a home business owner.  You will know things of value that you can teach others.  You will embody positive behaviors for others to emulate and model.

At the end of the day, you will be a Professional worthy of the compensation you aspire to.  This model and this process simply provide a structure to "force" success.  There are other models and processes that are of equal value, viability, and validity.  ADAPT is simply one way of operationalizing assessment and putting a plan in place to get from where you are to where you want to be - with the help of a mentor to keep you on track and hold you accountable.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Belly-to-Belly and Shoe Leather Prospecting

Prospecting (to prospect) is a verb.  It is an action.  It is what we do to expose people to our message to gain their attention and interest.

There are many forms of prospecting that are either free or paid.  Our business model starts with no cost or low-cost methods that are in the "Local, Guerilla and Belly-to-Belly" categories.  We do not encourage warm market (friends and family) until you have an established record of success.  So where and how do we suggest you get started?  

To make things most efficient, think concentration.  Where are there high densities of people who may be open to what we have to offer?  We have generic Community sites that are intended to appeal to Retail and Office workers.  Can you see yourself walking into businesses and introducing yourself, engaging in a conversation starter like, "Can I ask you a question, do you like working here?"  Then following with, "Do you have any other sources of income"?  Then, "I am always looking for people to join me in a business I work part-time, do you mind if I share it with you?"   Then, hand them a mini-flyer with one of our sites and your email printed on it.  Or, to make it seem less "scripted/canned/planned" take out or ask them for a piece of paper and write it down for them.  Any site will work depending on where you are:  BigBoxBackup.biz, SpreadThis.info, TellPeople.info, IndependentGrad.com, WorkingPoorNoMore.com.

Your ability to engage with people is a skill.  Your ability to gain someone's attention and interest is a skill.  You are paid in direct proportion to your skills.  Can you make a compelling and enticing invitation?  Can you carry a conversation?  Do you have a strategy, or are you nimble when thinking-on-your-feet in moving a conversation toward inviting someone to evaluate what we do?

Here's the thing:  not everyone will engage.  Not everyone will express interest.  In terms of Time Management, it is best to make this assessment sooner, than later and move on to someone else who potentially may be interested.

The cost of this method of prospecting is the cost of the pen in your pocket.  If you can't or don't want to print mini-flyers, all you have to do is go out and meet people and write down two pieces of information:  a website and your Gmail account.  

How many times a day can you do this?  This is the most basic, direct and fundamental method:  face-to-face invitations.  Simple:  Do you have a piece of paper?  I will write down a website and my contact information,  If you want to learn more, you can get in touch with me.

Now... understand... this method is not going to yield the highest returns.  This is akin to fishing in the ocean as opposed to throwing a line in a lake stocked with (name your favorite fish).  Ultimately, you will want to migrate your efforts to methods that more "attraction-based".  However, to get started, nothing will get the marbles out of your mouth faster and you will learn how to think on your feet quicker if you simply get off of the sofa and go out and talk to people about how money impacts their life... no matter your path to engaging them on the subject.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Resigned to Mediocrity

Most people have given up without knowing they have given up.  They accept their "lot" in life without challenge or question.  They drone through days and complain all-the-while... and confuse complaining with challenging.

Anyone can complain.  It is easy.  Take anything negative and describe it in negative terms.  Challenge, on the other hand, requires taking a stand and doing something about it.  This is not easy to do... for many.

Complainers, for the most part, are resigned to and destined for mediocrity.  They hate what they do for a living, they wish they had more resources, they detest the grind of the workweek... but even in light of this, they do nothing about it - save complaining.

Peoples' "truth" is what they perceive it to be.  Some people will engage and "get after it" if shown something worthy of "getting after".  These are the people we seek in building our business.

It is a very strange paradox that "most" people find themselves in the self-contradictory and self-defeating position of wanting or needing more money, but do nothing to elevate beyond this status quo position of "acceptance".  Why is that?

Feel free to comment.

Community, Club, Collective & Agreeing To Participate

Our Community, for all intents, works on the same premise as a club or a collective.  The idea here is that people are interested in and agree to participate in something.  In this process, we share ideas, strategies, tools... all leading to the outcome of people achieving a similar result:  to create an additional financial resource.

As I "grew up" in a small town, the adult "clubs" were the Lions, Moose, Kiwanis - that all served some civic or social function.  Typically, these were predominantly male organizations who all agreed to rally around and participate in "good works".  For example, among other things, the Lions Club sponsored the public pool we went to in the summer time.  They also rented the space in the Club House for community functions.  The proceeds all fed back into doing more good works and to perpetuate their core mission of "service".

The similar thread we share with any club is that we agree to and participate in the Good Work of helping people elevate their life circumstances.  This is made possible by this core construct of "Agree To - Participate In".  This is what we do.  Our "job" is to find people to educate to the point that they agree with our strategy to create additional income.  This is 80% of the first half.  The other 20% is getting people to trust that their participation will be rewarded with results.

This gets us to the 50-yard line.  Pushing the ball down to the goal line is the other aspect of our business:  teaching, supporting, holding accountable.  The monetary goal is different for everyone based on their situation.  My first goal was to replace my part-time job at a Home Improvement Center.  This was approximately $300 a week, or $1,200 a month of consistent, reliable income that I could count on month after month.

This consistency is only possible when the ones supporting the consistency are having success.  In other words, "success" goes well beyond initial recruitment efforts.  Success means that you help, guide and mentor others to ensure the stability of their and consequently, your income.  This gets to the idea of a "collective" of shared norms and values... primary among them is doing our level best to ensure everyone succeeds.  Again, this is done through education, support and mentorship and buying into the ethos that "no one gets left behind".

A Money Club.  People agree to and participate in a way to make money.  We share this common interest and consciously choose to adopt the norms and values of the Community as they relate to all the positive and productive outcomes we seek.

The goal is the number of commas we see in our bank balance.  However, to get there involves significantly more... and it all starts with exposing people to an option to learn about, agree to and participate in.   Then, having them pull the trigger to commit, and join with us.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Best Version of Yourself

Being the best version of yourself entails many things from kindness and compassion informed by a moral underpinning, to a fundamental sense of happiness and self-satisfaction that imbues how you carry yourself through life.  The former is fundamental to one's character and is ingrained as it assimilates over time to express itself in simple gestures.  The latter is more a function of how your choices in life now manifest in your being as a human.  So let me ask, are you happy?  (Note:  my editors encouraged me to ask you to read the preceding as many times as you need to - to connect the dots.)

Our Community exists to enable happiness.  It is about the "latter".  It is about making a choice.  This choice is to agree with a strategy and join with a common cause - and sharing a frame of reference with all who participate.

In this process, we enable the creation of money.  It is important to understand that money is a tool that facilitates and lubricates.  It "enables" choices that otherwise do not exist.  If you are not happy, it is very likely because your choices are being dictated to you (and) you are "resigned" to a life of doing what is "responsible".  As such, you have a job and exchange time for money.  You may like your job.  However, most say they do not... or at least have a difficult time connecting what they do to any sense of a "greater good" and doing something that serves this "best version of yourself" idea.

What we do and why we exist has everything to do assimilating core constructs into our collective "being".  Inherent in this is sharing common beliefs and values that drive and mandate how we function.  Money is simply a by-product that is pressed out of a complex array of variables.  Money does not exist as its own entity.  It is interdependent with all of the other factors in a formula.  Our community strives to define what these factors are and provide a framework for people to integrate them in order "press out" financial rewards.

In creating money, we facilitate choices.  Greater control over choices facilitates happiness.  If you are happy, you are best-positioned to be the best version of yourself.

As such, as a Community, we provide a context for the creation of money that enables people to become the best version of themselves - which is totally consistent with our tagline, "We organize knowledge, people, and money for everyone's benefit".

We enable being the best version of yourself and surround you with people who make you better.  This is special.  It is rewarding.  It genuinely helps people and is very much in line with the statement, "May you be blessed so that you may be a blessing".

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Make Your Mark

Most people are comfortable with their stable, predictable, status quo lives.  It is referred to as peoples' "Comfort Zone".  Much has been written (by many) about breaking out of this "zone" and progressing toward a goal.  Some are willing to experience the ill-at-ease and discomfort of doing things that stretch and challenge their ordinary, daily routines.   However, most people drone through life repeating the same cylce - as days, weeks and years pass.

The whole notion of "making your mark" will only appeal to those with the aspiration to do so.  It will only entice those not satisfied with their lot in life.  Our goal, our "job" is to find these people.  The issue is this:  they are the exception, not the rule.  This is true, even in the context of what we do:  teaching people to make money, and providing the platform to make it happen.  If "the idea" of most people wanting or needing more money is true, then why wouldn't they be beating a path to our door to jump in?  This paradox is important to wrap your head around but really comes full circle to the very simple notion that is expressed in the previous paragraph.  Most people simply do not have the willingness (ability) to integrate something new into their lives.  They are comfortable with the way things are, even though they will readily say they need "more" financially.

So, it is gut check time.  What about you?  What are you willing to do?  What are you willing to learn in terms of knowledge, skills and how you need to modify your daily habits?  Are you willing to integrate new behaviors (expend hours) of your life invested in changing the course of your life?

Is making your mark important?  How do you want to be remembered?  How many people will you have helped?  Is helping people a viable and credible way to earn a living, simply by showing them the mechanics of a process and teaching them that process?

You can "make your mark" by teaching and helping people.  That is what we do.  We all agree on a strategy and implement that strategy.  At this level, it is as simple and straightforward as it gets.  We are educators who make a living by finding people open to being educated.  The "allure" (the carrot) is making money.  The "stick" is the process and system to make it happen.  With no stick, you can't dangle the carrot in front of the donkey to have them chase it.  Unfortunately, all the donkey sees or cares about is the carrot.

But leave no doubt, at the end of the day, we "sell" sticks.  Without the stick, the carrot doesn't matter.  If you want to make your mark, embrace the fact that we are in the stick business.  We sell the competencies that give us the ability to demonstrate how money is a by-product of skills, systems, and processes...

This will only appeal to those who have the aspiration to ascend to a place that is "better" than what they currently know as "comfortable".

Monday, November 26, 2018

A Match Made in Heaven

We teach the skills to make money to people who want or need more money.  A match made in heaven, right?  I mean, what could go wrong?  It is precisely what everyone needs.

You would think.

So, what inhibits people from moving too far from the core of their status quo life?  The following are my top five reasons:

  1. Skepticism and Lack of Trust - people write us off as "one of those internet things" they have heard about, or maybe even have tried at one time.  It seems shady, like some kind of scheme.
  2. Inability to Change Lifestyle and Habits - people are well-entrenched in their lives.  Work, supper, TV, sleep... do it again.  Weekends are the same, just different items.  Finding time in this "busy" life is simply too tall an order for many.
  3. Risk Aversion - even if the money required is small, many people will not "float" that amount of money to prove to themselves something can work
  4.  Fear of Failure - This is driven by a lack of self-confidence and in most cases built on a foundation of previous failures.
  5. Reputation Fatigue - many people, to their credit, have tried to do other things to make money and had marginal success.  They worry about how this is viewed by people who know them.
Our job is to educate.  Methodically, thoroughly, consistently... we need to make "exposures" to as many people as we can to find the ones who do not fall into one of these categories.  The more people we expose, the more money we make.  We simply need to sift and sort.

There are people who want and need more money who are willing to learn the skills to make money.  We get paid to find them.