There is a pretty well-known leadership training exercise named, "Epitaph". It focuses on what you would want to be inscribed on your tombstone. It uncovers the legacy you leave to the world that constitutes the fruits of your labor and leadership? This is a forward-looking, yet retrospective exercise about the meaning of your life. Again, what will you have left to the world? How will you be thought of when you are gone? How many people will come to your funeral? Will you be missed, and why? Now, rewind the reel of this future movie to the present. What are you doing to fashion and groom your Epitaph? What choices are you making now? Right now, this very minute you are choosing to read this, however when you get to the end of this post, then what? Being conscious and fully engaged "in the moment" is the subject of many Existential Philosophers. Have you thought about the meaning you bring to others' lives? What can you do to have an impact? Or, are