The Sunday Night Dreads

 A big portion of the demographic of our target audience are professionals who are burnt out (for any number of reasons) and looking for income alternatives.  These people are looking for a "choice" with the opportunity to take their life in a different direction.

I get it.  I was one of them.  Every week, there came the point on Sunday night at 8:00 - right after 60 Minutes - that I would feel a sense of dread wash over me.  It was the dread of another week doing something I "had to do", but it was not necessarily something I "wanted to do".  

I had to earn money to support my family.  I had to go to a job and work with people I did not necessarily like and take direction from people I did not necessarily respect.  I was working to make a paycheck with no sense of purpose or passion.  It was a means to an end and in retrospect, it was year after year after year conforming to organizations I worked for.  It was a regrettable use of my time and talent.

Here is the thing;  I am just one of millions of people in the same boat.  There are men and women everywhere in all walks of life struggling with the same thing - hating what they do. but resigned to their fate of "job security" and the paycheck they derive from it.  Even high-earners with great benefits with a "sweet" match for their 401K... many would not choose their lifestyle and are open to an alternative - if constructively and plausibly proposed.

There is not really much more to say, other than from a business perspective, how we get what we do in front of these people.  Sunday Night Dread is both an interesting marketing angle, as well as a conversation starter.

There are millions upon millions of people going to a job every day who would choose not to - if they knew what to do in pursuing an alternative.

This is what we do.


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