
What is security?  To many, it means having a job with benefits.  Going to work every day, having a predictable paycheck and getting two weeks off a year.  All play a role in defining how most people view "security".

There is a movement going on in the home business industry that suggests you "create your own economy" that is independent of the traditional economy.  What this means is that you have control of your finances (such that) you can/could live independently from the eight-hour-a-day slog.

Forget about the lifestyle considerations this will afford you.  Forget about ALL of the creature comforts of toys, travel and being a big tipper.  Simply reflect on the underlying, fundamental baseline of what it will feel like waking up every morning knowing that your bills are covered - and will be for as long as you can rationally see into the future.

This is what our business model offers.  This is the goal.  Getting there does not happen with a wiggle of the nose (Bewitched reference), but is absolutely possible by finding and leading a group of people that is guided by the standards and values of our Community.

I encourage you to think about security.  Really ponder what you are willing to sacrifice to "have it".  And, when pondering, fully realize the daily minute-by-minute and hour-by-hour decisions you will need to make by simply focusing on things other than you have been accustomed to.

I have written about this many times, however, it bears repeating.  The single biggest factor in anyone's' success is their ability to adapt to change.  This means to recognize and implement the things that are necessary to affect results.  This is the fuel that runs the engine.

For many, this simply means turning off the TV and focusing on business-building activities.  For others, it means going to the bar or going to the gym less.  For others, it simply means getting up earlier or going to bed later.  It is all individual, but it all starts with recognizing your life (inherently) is going to be different - tangibly - in how you choose to invest your waking hours.

If you want security, this needs to be fundamental to your understanding of how to achieve it.


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