An Alternate Economy to the Job Economy

Most people have jobs.  Understood.  All good.

For most, this is not a choice - but is a function of how they have been taught to think and then adapting it to their role in life... to have a job with benefits... being a responsible, productive member of society... yadda, yadda, yadda...  Still, all good.  This is the way the world works for most people.

The WorkingPoorNoMore Community exists to pose an alternative.  We propose (in addition to your current job) that you take the time to understand a different and more personalized way to make a living.  The common sense aspect deals with your ability to control your future by controlling your income.

Under the WorkingPoorNoMore umbrella, we have a variety of marketing sites that focus on different target markets.  We introduce people to a specific online businesses that is progressive, ultimately building into full-time residual income that enables people to consider leaving the world of the "full-time employed" to the world of an independent entrepreneur, professional mentor/group leader, and teacher.

This is simple in theory, but not so easy to execute.  It becomes easier when the structures and supports are in place to enable individuals' competence through our Learning Community.  It is very real for those who embrace it.  It is absolutely possible if you make a commitment and invest the hours in doing very specific things to make it happen.

We exist to help you understand what those things are.


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