Opportunity Marketing
Of all the ways to make money, from the conventional to the less conventional, there has to be value in what is offered - significant enough to compel a purchase. From a 6 year old selling lemonade in front of their house on a hot day, to a mansion on a bluff overlooking the ocean - both have to have perceived value. A neighbor wants to quench their thirst and help a child, or a family with the means to afford it, wanting a stunning view of the harbor. In either case, there is something driving the decision.
Opportunity Marketing is a bit different, in the fact that the "value" is in the "opportunity" to make money. Although with all companies that promote money-making-opportunities, there has to be a product for sale, the real ethos that drives participation is not the products, but the money that can be earned. The question is, is this inherently a good or bad thing?
So, let me ask a question: Is earning money an end in itself? Or, why do you go to work? Or, if you don't really like your job, why do you go there every day? Then, let me ask this question: if there was a way to make money, where making money was the main aim of the endeavor, would this make sense to you? This defines opportunity marketing.
Opportunity Marketing is about building a community of people who share your understanding and values regarding the notions of support, interdependence, education, continual improvement, growth, success... it is about understanding culture and "buying in" both financially and conceptually, to a set of norms that people share.
It is about honesty, transparency and helping to improve peoples' lives, one individual and one family at a time... and you are providing them the opportunity to take this step forward in their life.
So the term, Opportunity Marketing really has two connotations. The first is the money being an "end" in itself, and the second is the impact this money can have on peoples' lives through providing an unconventional opportunity to elevate their current financial circumstances and build resources that will grow in residual fashion well into the future.
Our goal, as a marketing organization is to explain, in very simple terms, that we recognize that "unconventional" inherently means that it is not the same as selling hand-made picnic tables at a local craft fair. In many ways, it is much more sophisticated than this. It is a long-term proposition, that if entered into correctly - and understanding "what it takes" to be successful, that it is absolutely reasonable to expect that significant financial gain is possible, if not probable.
My job (our community's job) is to prepare you for the reality of what-it-takes; and support you in making the choices necessary to "change" how you invest very specific segments of your time in doing very specific things to build a business. After all, opportunity is not the same as fantasy. You create opportunity through focused effort. We provide the structure to make it happen.
Opportunity Marketing is a bit different, in the fact that the "value" is in the "opportunity" to make money. Although with all companies that promote money-making-opportunities, there has to be a product for sale, the real ethos that drives participation is not the products, but the money that can be earned. The question is, is this inherently a good or bad thing?
So, let me ask a question: Is earning money an end in itself? Or, why do you go to work? Or, if you don't really like your job, why do you go there every day? Then, let me ask this question: if there was a way to make money, where making money was the main aim of the endeavor, would this make sense to you? This defines opportunity marketing.
Opportunity Marketing is about building a community of people who share your understanding and values regarding the notions of support, interdependence, education, continual improvement, growth, success... it is about understanding culture and "buying in" both financially and conceptually, to a set of norms that people share.
It is about honesty, transparency and helping to improve peoples' lives, one individual and one family at a time... and you are providing them the opportunity to take this step forward in their life.
So the term, Opportunity Marketing really has two connotations. The first is the money being an "end" in itself, and the second is the impact this money can have on peoples' lives through providing an unconventional opportunity to elevate their current financial circumstances and build resources that will grow in residual fashion well into the future.
Our goal, as a marketing organization is to explain, in very simple terms, that we recognize that "unconventional" inherently means that it is not the same as selling hand-made picnic tables at a local craft fair. In many ways, it is much more sophisticated than this. It is a long-term proposition, that if entered into correctly - and understanding "what it takes" to be successful, that it is absolutely reasonable to expect that significant financial gain is possible, if not probable.
My job (our community's job) is to prepare you for the reality of what-it-takes; and support you in making the choices necessary to "change" how you invest very specific segments of your time in doing very specific things to build a business. After all, opportunity is not the same as fantasy. You create opportunity through focused effort. We provide the structure to make it happen.
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