The $60K Proposition

Many people understand that a million dollars invested at 6% will yield $60,000 a year in income. This is what any number of investment vehicles are designed to do... accrue a million dollars over a lifetime of savings and investing and then in retirement, live off of the interest.  Yes, this works for some, but not for a lot of people... for a lot of different reasons.

There is an alternative: monthly residual income that yields $60K a year.  I want to explain the numbers behind how this is possible with the income with one of the vehicles we use.

First, let me say we advocate building progressively by reinvesting profits to build to a $175 a month investment level.  Without getting too deep into the mechanics of this compensation plan, let me break it down as follows:  $60,000 a year divided by 12 months = $5,000 a month.  This compensation plan has three investment levels of $25, $50, and $100 for a total monthly of $175. Five thousand dollars divided by $175 equals 29 people participating at this level.

Twenty-nine people is a group (organization) number, not a personally recruited number.  Typically, with proper training and organizational growth, a group of 25 is possible through personally recruiting 8-12 people.

This is very simple in concept - and in math.  It is a straightforward way to change your finances.  All it takes to get there is skills, some discipline and the belief that it is possible.  Belief is backed by the reality of something credible, viable and real.

All you have to do is make a decision and apply some effort.


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