Explained: Subscripton Income Business

Until relatively recently, only businesses and banks could set up automatic withdrawals from our bank accounts or to bill our credit cards.  With the advent of companies like PayPal and with the ability for individuals to set up Merchant Accounts to take credit card payments, a whole NEW business model has evolved to capitalize on this capability.

Further, these credit / debit card payments can be set up on a subscription (monthly draft) basis.  The business model we promote and the company we have chosen does exactly this... with a host of digital and on-line services as the products.

The reality is, even in light of product availability (which makes the business legally compliant), the "reason" for people getting involved in our business is to plug into a vehicle that provides the opportunity to "make money".  The products are a secondary consideration.  If they have real value (which ours do) it is an added bonus.  As such, there is no "embarrassment" factor in promoting our business.

The biggest challenge we face is introducing and educating people about an innovative business model that is based upon Subscription Income.  Most people do not even have the conception that it exists or is even possible.

This is a great, new way to create your own economy.  Join our community.  Learn some new skills.  Make a commitment to carve out some time to tell people about what you are doing and invite them to have a look.

The risk is minimal.  The potential is real and impressive.

At the end of the day, learn all you can, then decide if earning income from a subscription business would be a fit in adding to your financial resources.

I am certain, the more you learn, the more it will appeal your view of the entire landscape of "money-making opportunities"as well as appealing to your fundamental yearning for common sense and practicality.


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