
A Real Solution for the Vast Majority?

Everything should be simple.  Why isn't it? There is nothing hard to understand about truth and integrity.  It follows that if you are perceived as one who is honest and adheres to virtue, you should be someone worthy of trust.  So where does everything break down?   I think it boils down to understanding that trust is built over time.  It is not implicit, it is earned.  It is a thousand micro-actions that lead to the macro of trust.  It is something that evolves, it is not something that is granted, in most cases, especially when two people do not know each other, initially. Corresponding to this, "A Real Solution" is simply a statement and perception that (like trust) needs to be earned.  We have every confidence that our solution IS real for the vast majority.  However, in the process of getting people to adopt what we do as something they embrace, there is a significant amount of education that is necessary.  It is a thousand mi...

Thanks, but No Ranks

This post is a point of clarification.   Our business is in the Affiliate Marketing space.  Yes, we build organizations, however, Rank Advancement is a Multi-Level Marketing concept.  MLM's "rank advance" through the growth of business volume, which is typically associated with organizational size. As one advances in rank, they get a bigger piece of the pie.  If the first level is 5%, the rank advance may mean 3% or a total of 8%... along with a title change from (in metals) Bronze to Silver to Gold to Platinum.  The company tracks these transactions and pays the distributor on a predetermined schedule. This is not our model.  We earn 100%, paid directly - peer to peer.  The company tracks these transactions as an accounting and "scorekeeping" function, however, money is paid directly to you.  The company is not a middle man that holds your money, it simply is a portal for your transaction to take place. This is a huge difference.  We gr...

Funding Life and Financial Literacy

Many people want or need more money and know if they simply "found" something to plug into... that actually worked, it would provide the all-important grease that would make life a whole lot easier. I have used the expression many times, "There are a million ways to make money, you only need one". I have also said, "Money is the grease that lubricates life". Both obviously infer the "idea" that money plays a huge role in people's lives. Most people have a job to fund their life. It is a fixed income approach, working for a salary or a wage. Their only "leverage" is getting a 401K match from their employer and then hoping the Stock Market performs in a manner that supports growth. The goal of a 401K is retirement, so it is of little use until you are 59 1/2, unless you want to borrow against it and incur stiff penalties for doing so. So what are the alternatives in the "million ways" to make money? A second and/or t...

Plant a Flag on Your Dreams

What follows may or may not apply to you.  Perhaps you are self-actualized and wealthy; both spiritually and financially.  Most people fall short of this.  If so, my wish is that these thoughts instill some hope and some clarity. There are a lot of things that take place inside of our specific Community as well as the Communities of our Affiliate Partners.  Ultimately, we are "in the business" of helping people rise above their current circumstances, to the extent that additional financial resources can make this happen. "Planting a Flag" essentially means making a commitment.  The question is, whether something is worthy of your commitmenmt of time and resources?  Does something you evaluate as a "means" to earn additional income hold up to scrutiny?  Does it make sense?  Can you justify and defend your involvement in whatever you choose to do?  Do you have the conviction and moral authority of "knowing" that what you are commiting to - is w...

A Means to an End

You can make money doing just about anything if someone is willing to pay you for it.  In a general way, this defines commerce. In the new world of Digital Commerce, there is something called an NFT (Non-Fungible Token).  It is a "unique unit of data" on a digital ledger, typically associated with something... artwork, music, sports trading cards, or even just ideas.  So, it is a digital representation of something - stored on the blockchain. So let me ask, where is the value here?  Something is unique.  OK.  Something is scarce.  All right.  Something that two parties agree that has value... How? I am not sure, but it is happening in real time, right in front of our eyes.  I am in no real position to judge, so I will not.  This all seems kind of "made up" to me, however my opinion of it is irrelevant.  If people agree to it - so be it.  It is a means to an end.   More power to them. Analagously, the "detractors" of our in...

No Time is Ever the Right TIme

This will be short.  It is about procrastination.  It is about being stuck in life. There is a song by Adele named Easy on Me .  The refrain of the song is, "I had no time to choose what I chose to do".  It is a lament about youth and being stuck in her ways.  Later in the song she talks about having good intentions and the highest hopes.  Nonetheless, it is a song of regret - of an older self reflecting on a younger self. From my perspective, her song speaks to the "plight of the commoner".  It is a life resigned to the way things are, even with the best-of-intentions.  It is "knowing" things can be different, but doing nothing about it, and this realization coming only from the wisdom of the passage of time. Many times people get swept along by the inertia of family, social, or cultural expectations and as Adele says, "I had no time to choose what I chose to do".  Eveything in life is reduced to an unconscious whirlwind, in the absence of a...

"A" Product is Critical - "The" Product is Not

For our purposes in what we do, first, let's define commerce.  It is the exchange of money for something of value.  This "something of value" can be broadly defined as a product or a service.   You pay a Lawyer for his knowledge.  You pay a carpenter for building you a shed.  You pay College tuition to attend a school.  OK.  I don't need to go on.  The point is money is paid in exchange for something of value. Ultimately, everyone chooses how to make a living.  If a grown man imports children's toys from Taiwan, there is no requirement for him to have an affinity for the toys.  He uses toys as a vehicle to make a profit and earn an income.  Year after year, there may be slight product variations, but ultimately the "toy business" is the toy business. We sell Tools and Education.  Just as in the toy business, these products remain relatively consistent from year to year.  There are innovations.  There are upgrades...