A Means to an End
You can make money doing just about anything if someone is willing to pay you for it. In a general way, this defines commerce.
In the new world of Digital Commerce, there is something called an NFT (Non-Fungible Token). It is a "unique unit of data" on a digital ledger, typically associated with something... artwork, music, sports trading cards, or even just ideas. So, it is a digital representation of something - stored on the blockchain.
So let me ask, where is the value here? Something is unique. OK. Something is scarce. All right. Something that two parties agree that has value... How? I am not sure, but it is happening in real time, right in front of our eyes. I am in no real position to judge, so I will not. This all seems kind of "made up" to me, however my opinion of it is irrelevant. If people agree to it - so be it. It is a means to an end. More power to them.
Analagously, the "detractors" of our industry "judge" that person-to-person commerce is somehow inherently scam-my. They contend it is about people taking advantage of others; and people getting "burnt" as a result of their participaton. In many places, you are admonished to "run" from certain business models.
Here's the reality: all of the negative inferences abound because many people can not (do not) make things work. "How" things work is governed by systems and contracts that people agree to. But nonetheless, people persist in denigrating the Social Commerce industry. This is not a fault of the industry, it is the fault of the people in the industry and the supports that are in place to bolster success.
This is why we go to such great lengths to ensure those we recruit have a solid understanding of what they are getting themselves into. What we do is not for everyone, otherwise, everyone would be doing it. However, let me be clear, the "system" works. The proof is real. The unfortunate reality, it that people are not taught "what it takes" to make the system work for them.
However, the real point I want to make here is that we are in the business of consensus and agreement. What we do is simply a means to an end. This "end" is profitability and income. Everything we do is designed as a means to this end through teaching and mentorship.
This is another way to explain what we do: we find (recruit) people and organize (pair) knowledge, and money with a system designed specifically to enable this to take place. The "system" could be anything. What we do was simply a "choice" someone made at some point in time. We simply agree to jump on the bandwagon and participate "in a way" to make money.
And, to bring this full circle, the "means" we use, compared to an NFT is highly tangible and rock solid. The "end" is income. The question you need to ask yourself is "if" our ends justify our means inherent in the systems and tactics we use?
Look yourself in the mirror and answer this question honestly. This moral underpinning and sense of clairity will drive your business in terms of your confidence and conviction in conveying the value in what we do.
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