One a Week - For a Year


This post is a perspective-builder.

I don't want to insult anyones' intelligence here, but one a week for a year is 52, right?  In our business we use an initial "cash now" offer that is followed by a subscription offer, which is funded out of profit.

For the sake of simple math, let's say a subscription is $200 a month.  This (times) 52 is $10,400 a month in gross income.  After taxes at 25% the net income is $7800.  This replaces most people's incomes, and if not, is a welcomed "bump" in income for anyone.

Now, given the leverage components of a Referral Line Compensation Structure, to realize a group of 52, you do not need 52 direct recruits because people are referred to you as a part of the business model.  Again, this is a leverage component stipulated by a contract.  Realistically, a group of 20-25 direct recruits can produce a group of 52 (give or take).  

Then you need to account for the realities.  Eventhough we do our best to ensure people's success, in reality, not everyone will "stick".  Therefore, in getting to these numbers, you need to account for attrition (fall out).  Your level of attrition is directly correlated to your ability to nurture and support your organization.

That said, everything comes full circle back to "how" you get one-a-week?  First,it happens through activity (exposures) in telling others about what we do. This is the grunt and grind part of the business.  Second, it happens through working with your referrals (poeple you do not directly sponsor, but are referred to you).

We work with people in terms of what people "bring to the table" in regard to time, budget, previous experience and knowledge.  A plan needs to be tailored to these "variables".  Not everyone will have the same plan.  It has to be highly customized to be a "fit" to integrate with what someone can realistidally "give" in terms of time and resources - to make a business work.

This is all in pursuit of "One a Week - For a Year".


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