A Real Solution for the Vast Majority?

Everything should be simple.  Why isn't it?

There is nothing hard to understand about truth and integrity.  It follows that if you are perceived as one who is honest and adheres to virtue, you should be someone worthy of trust.  So where does everything break down?  

I think it boils down to understanding that trust is built over time.  It is not implicit, it is earned.  It is a thousand micro-actions that lead to the macro of trust.  It is something that evolves, it is not something that is granted, in most cases, especially when two people do not know each other, initially.

Corresponding to this, "A Real Solution" is simply a statement and perception that (like trust) needs to be earned.  We have every confidence that our solution IS real for the vast majority.  However, in the process of getting people to adopt what we do as something they embrace, there is a significant amount of education that is necessary.  It is a thousand micro-actions of building credibility, one individual at a time.

As such. the "Vast Majority" is more aligned with something that would appear in a Mission Statement.  It is not an operational construct.  Even though what we do may make sense to most people if they take the time to understand what we do, it nonetheless is "operationalized" one person at a time - through the establishment of credibility and the earning of trust.

Simply making the statement of being "worthy of trust" falls well short of it being actualized.  We deal with the Vast Majority one person at a time, and this requires time and effort, repeated over and over until your individual goals have been met.


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