Funding Life and Financial Literacy

Many people want or need more money and know if they simply "found" something to plug into... that actually worked, it would provide the all-important grease that would make life a whole lot easier. I have used the expression many times, "There are a million ways to make money, you only need one". I have also said, "Money is the grease that lubricates life". Both obviously infer the "idea" that money plays a huge role in people's lives.

Most people have a job to fund their life. It is a fixed income approach, working for a salary or a wage. Their only "leverage" is getting a 401K match from their employer and then hoping the Stock Market performs in a manner that supports growth. The goal of a 401K is retirement, so it is of little use until you are 59 1/2, unless you want to borrow against it and incur stiff penalties for doing so.

So what are the alternatives in the "million ways" to make money? A second and/or third job > Real Estate Investing > Bitcoin > being a reseller on Amazon, or selling your own stuff on eBay or Etsy > you can do manual labor side jobs from babysitting to painting a house... Each of these help "fund life" and provide "grease".

Then, there is what we do. We employ financial mechanics. We utilize leverage. In the initial stages of what we do, there is no avoiding the WORK of putting (people and their money) in place to enable leverage, however, once an organization is built (and you have the savvy to maintain it) the income continues month to month and year to year.

Understanding how this takes place is a function of financial literacy. Financial literacy is the set of skills and knowledge that allows someone to make informed and effective decisions with their money.

In other words, it goes beyond "making a buck". It assumes that once you have a "buck" - you make conscious decisions about how to use it. You can: 1) spend it, 2) save it, or; 3) invest it (put it to work for you). What we do is most aligned with #3.

Another statement we use in our Community is, "We organize knowledge, people and money for everyone's benefit". Here is another definition of financial literacy: Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. Financial literacy is the foundation of your relationship with money, and it is a lifelong journey of learning.

Fundamentally, we ask people to change their relationship with money. We ask them to "add" the perspective of leverage. We utilize leverage by organizing knowledge, people, and money into a process designed to enable this to happen.

This "adding and learning" defines literacy. It is Financial Literacy that enables people to fund their lives.


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