Our Business Plan
Our Business Plan has three fundamental elements. They are not equally important. Here's why. 1) The first (and most important to understand) is the ability to adapt to change. Integrating something new into your life requires investing your time in different ways. Most people (attesting to the failure rate in home businesses) do not successfully navigate from point A to point B. 2) The second is understanding what a "learning community" means. People and relationships are the foundation of our business. We need to engender and pass along what we know and help others develop proficiency and competence as marketers. 3) Third, is the tools we use and the business we promote. The reality is that there are many, many directions this could take. There are many, many: a) tools suites, and; b) compensation models. We utilize a selected few and at the very top of our marketing funnel we use Working Poor No More" as a d...