Clients and Being of Service

There is a whole world of words, semantics, and definitions that we very consciously attempt to use as differentiators in defining who we are as a marketing organization.  In referring to people we work with as clients, it is really a  mindset "trick" in understanding that you are (for all intents) employed by them.

Anyone you bring into your organization,, we encourage you to think of as clients, in the sense that they support your income - like in any business.

Referring to them as recruits, downline or enrollees all miss the mark.  Until you fully appreciate that you need to be of service through teaching, helping and coaching your "clients" and treating them in the context of the lifetime value they represent, you can not consider yourself to have evolved to the professional level of an at-home business owner.

Lifetime value.  Ponder this.  Enter into relationships instead of "signing people up" and seeing what happens.  Mentor.  Teach.  Coach.  Encourage.  Support.  Be a role model for others to emulate.

This is at the core of anyone's success.  Leadership in setting the tone, the pace, the activity... what you do and how you do it must be an example to those who look to you for guidance.

No one starts here.  Everything is earned.  As you earn competence and credibility, you will earn money.  This is also part of what is referred to as the Law of Compensation.

There is no faking it.  You put in the work to gain competence and you get paid.  Conversely, no skills,  no money.

Being of service and treating people as clients (who are paying you to lead and teach is a great way to define who you are and what you do in our business.


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