On Building Credibility

In the total universe of money-making opportunities, why would anyone choose us?

This is a fair question that warrants a thoughtful answer.  The core of the answer revolves around the values we embrace as an organization - but at the same time, the challenge is to not provide the same... yeah, yeah, yeah thoughts that everyone espouses.

The single most distinguishing feature of our difference is how we deal with the failure rate in the home-based business industry.  Our premise is that the failure rate is due to peoples' inability to adapt to and integrate change into their lifestyle.  Said differently, people do not "find" the time to constructively engage in the activities that will build a business and crawl out of the entrenched patterns of their lives.

Therefore, this core value is "embracing change"... and the degree of change will predict the amount of success.  It is the mature and responsible understanding that nothing happens without applied effort within the context of an intentional strategy.

Let me use this as one example from my own experience.  I worked for years needing to be at work at 6:00 am.  This required my alarm going off at 4:30.  When I got home, the routine was to catch up on (reading) the day's news and in so-doing fall asleep for a nap upright on the sofa.  Then, the TV was on and this occupied the hour or so until it was time to start dinner.  Then, the Network news to Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy and then nodding off again... how pathetic - every day for years.

Now, ask yourself, where did you see me mention 'working on my business'?  The necessary change came when the TV was turned off.  This is the change that was necessary, for me.

Everyone has their own structure of how their time is invested.  Good, bad, or indifferent - this "inventory" simply "is" for every individual.

In building our credibility, we do not sugar-coat the reality the change necessary.  There is a lot more in regard to the process we have chosen to work within, the skills required and a host of other factors.  However, unless you are exhibiting the daily habits of applying effort, you will not be an effective leader.

This is the raw truth and we hope you can appreciate it for the value and advice it holds.


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