Understand the Complexity

Here is the truth:  making money through marketing an online business is neither easy nor simple.  If it were, everyone would be doing it and enjoying success.  Obviously, this is not the case.  The fact is that there are many components that need to be in place all acting together in an integrated fashion.  This is not to say that it can't all be laid out and explained.  It can.  However, one of the "tests" you should apply is running from anything that proclaims to be a "no brainer".

Here's the truth:  you need to create resources that support your "ventures".  If wanting to create a long-term business, it is not as simple as joining something with a replicated website and promoting that link.  If you want a business with long-term legs, there are many more things that need to be in place.  However, let's just start with the first two:

Here's what you will want to consider.  First, how will people get to know you?  You will need to establish both familiarity and credibility.  As such, we use an "About Me" resource.

Second, how will you communicate with them?  You will need a business email and an email that talks about your offer that is sent to permanent "Vacation Response".  (This is the most basic and most simple... and free.)

You will need to have resources to point people to when responding to their questions.  The articles on our blog, resources from the businesses we promote, and the ability to articulate the rationale and philosophy behind our business model need to be assembled and structured as resources, typically in templated email responses.  This can all be done in Gmail and does not require a paid autoresponder.

You need to have mapped out "what you will do".  What will your strategy be for activity, i.e. business-building activities?  In other words, how will you invest your time?  Is this time scheduled?  Are you mapping out this time daily, weekly, monthly?

What are your metrics?  At the end of the day, it all comes down to numbers.  How many contacts and exposures to people evaluating what you do, actively engaging with a percentage of them and bringing a portion of these into your business.

At that point, you need to divide your time between marketing and support, i.e. supporting the new person in their competence acquisition.

Also, at that point you will have three basic roles:  1) content creation and refinement, which is talked about above , 2) marketing (getting what you have to offer in front of people) which is not really addressed in this post, and; 3) teaching others the same, i.e. being a mentor.

When this "juggling act" begins the true test of your business viability begins.  Can you and will you balance all three things in optimal proportion to ensure you will have stable growth (and) conversely you do not fail due to spending too much time in one area (or) not enough time in any of these areas (activities).

In understanding this complexity, you will be able to articulate the complexity.  What we do involves a professional skill set, if done professionally.  Therefore, understand that your goal is to evolve into someone who has established their credibility and competence.  This is not overly complex, but it is reasonably complex.  It involves a focused effort with specific things that need to be done.  These things are laid out for you in our process.

Our job in our Community is to mentor and support people through their learning curve and help them balance the three basic roles identified above.  When all three of these cylinders are at full stroke, money manifests itself in a manner that will "attract" or induce people to want to work with you.

This is not the first or last time you will hear this:  competence, credibility and the overall value you provide are directly tied to the amount of money you will make.

Understand the complexity (at a minimum) on this level.  It takes time and effort.  There are no magic pills.  Our Community exists to accelerate the process, but it all takes time and effort.  Anyone telling or selling you anything different (in terms of strategy) is either ill-informed or simply seeking a short-term "quick flipper" relationship with no long-term strategy to offer.

This is the truth.  Now you know.


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