Live Compassionately

There is an old adage of the empty vessel.  From afar, it looks fine.  It floats.  It is doing all the things that vessels do... but as you get closer and finally board, you find nothing there.

You don't want to be that boat.  Live compassionately, with empathy and generosity of spirit.  There are plenty of hucksters and charlatans in this world.  We need to be at our best and firmly perceived at the opposite end of the continuum from the cons and quick flippers.  This is only possible if you are compassionate in your approach to others - in valuing their needs, understanding their circumstances and helping them understand your goal is to help them.

We talk a lot about moral posture.  This includes caring about what we do as a mission, not just a "biz opp".  If you are not invested emotionally, you will be smoked out as one who is disingenuous.  Being honest in all you do builds credibility.  It speaks to your integrity.

Many people in this world are hurting - their lives are a vicious circle of psychic pain from financial strain.  Our delicate role is to cajole people into understanding that what we do is a viable option -  to alleviate stress, not add to it.  Some will see it.  Most won't.  This is just the reality of large numbers.

As you grow into and choose to wear our Community's mantle of goodness, I encourage you to think as Physicians do, i.e. ''do no harm".  People do not need us complicating their already complicated lives.  We want to be perceived as a huge breath of fresh air due to our candor and empathy.  We are a positive force in the world and you are an Ambassador sharing a viable alternative for people to consider.

Live compassionately.  It will serve you well.


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