Keep Your Colors Wet

The reality is this.  Most people are a dried, brittle canvas.  In terms of life experience and expectation, the oils have hardened, the acrylic is set, or... the water is dry.  Their futures seem certain as long as they continue to conform to what is expected and stay in their safe-zone of a job and benefits.

Most people feel "set" financially in meeting their bills and saving for Christmas and vacations.  No value judgment here, I am simply describing reality.  Most are "comfortable" with their lot in life and not seeking to rattle their status quo.  We wish them the best.

In keeping your colors wet, it enables moving around the mix on your canvas.  It maintains the possibility of the next brush stroke.  We are a community who are malleable to opportunity, wherever it may arise.  As such, we do/will not appeal to brittle canvases of the world.

We seek to attract artists wanting and willing keep adding depth and color to their canvas of life... to be open to the possibilities of what can be rendered, without having yet created it.  You can call it risk-taking or intrepid adventurism... but simply know that whatever "it" is, most people do not have "it".

Our job is simply to expose and invite people to have a look:  all the while welcoming their being objectively critical and thorough in their analysis.  Here's why:  what we do "stands up" to examination.

It is thoughtful.  It is thorough.  It is practical and it makes sense due to its simplicity.  It is not high art, but daily brush strokes that over time result in mastery.

Keep painting your life.  Create a vision of your higher self and expend the effort to achieve that vision.  It is not about the money.  It is about what the money will enable in terms of options.  It is about enhancing peoples' lives with money being the byproduct.

The canvas is yours.  Always keep your colors wet.  Life is, and will always be a work-in-progress.


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