
Pitches and Proposals

This post is about business strategy and the role of "pitching" things versus "making a proposal" about a much larger proposition.  Both play a role.  However, it is important for you to understand the difference between pitching-an-opportunity (whether it be a product, service, or tool) and making a proposal-for-life- transformation and having the sophistication to understand how each fits into your overall business strategy. So as an analogy, let's talk baseball.  Everyone knows what a pitch is. A pitcher throws a ball to a catcher.  It is a single act, repeated over and over during the game.  It is a single, solitary, isolated "thing" that is just one part of the overall strategy of the game. A proposal, on the other hand, is more like the game plan.  On offense, what will the batting order be?  Who is best to lead off, and who is best to bat clean-up?  Do you plan to steal bases, or hit and run?  Are there situations where you will bunt?...

Meet Jeff the Genius, Master of Tenacity

This is a tale of perseverance and courage in the face of mountains of obstacles. It tells the story of relentless commitment to a vision, being squashed like a bug and somehow reassembling all of your parts and only to come back bigger, better, and stronger. Among many things, Jeff Long, the CEO of is an artist - a classically trained singer.  He has all the markings of creative people.  Emotional.  Impetuous.  Brilliant.  His lived experience in breathing life into the Textbot platform has been a tale of triumph and tragedy, then triumph and tragedy...  In this evolution, he shared both the intimate details of the devil on his shoulder and the better angels that came to his rescue.  I did not always agree with or appreciate his level of disclosure, but now in retrospect, I see it as a necessary means of catharsis to deal with the stresses and pressures that he carried through the ordeal of surviving through Abundance Network and giving bi...

Business Builder or Money Hustler?

 Let me start by asking a question.  Is there is a place in the Home Business Industry for people who simply want to make a buck?  These people may have no interest in the big picture stuff with a long-term orientation.  Additionally, they may have tried "figuring out" things in the past and simply have given up on their ability or aptitude to make things work.  So instead, they can (and are more than willing to) pitch "this or that" with a very short-term strategy of simply hustling to make money.  Full stop.  No relationship.  Everything is a sales transaction. Once you have bought, you are on your own.  No different than going to the grocery store and buying a potato. We all know these people exist, consciously or by default.  Again, asking, if there is a financial incentive for the (purchaser) and you are an Affiliate selling a tool or re-marketing other peoples' products, where does the responsibility lie for teaching the purchaser ...

The Semantic Soup of Sponsorship

I had a short exchange with an Opinion Leader on Social Media recently.  We are involved with the same platform that is both a tool and an income opportunity.  His thought was, "Your referrer owes you nothing but their referral code, anything more is a bonus".  I took him to task and here's why.  In my mind, this is a distinction without a difference if you split the hairs of the referrer, sponsor, enroller, upline...  Semantically, they all connote the same thing.  The person I was "arguing" with was attempting to make the case that given that we market a "tool", it is no different than Aweber (an autoresponder "tool") and the Affiliate Program for Aweber does not require selling your soul to the person you enroll for (in this case, for this program) $100.  Or, as he said it, "they don't own you for $100". I disagree to the extent that everyone deserves a shot at profitability.  In the "opportunity" portion of this to...

The Art of Prospecting Successful People

No need to re-invent the wheel on this one.  Total attribution goes to Ray Higdon.   I simply think this is so important to understand (and he does such a good job of explaining it) that I want to include it here; There is a video on this page as well as the article: Good stuff.  Take notes with the objective of integrating into how you view and manage your business.


There is a pretty well-known leadership training exercise named, "Epitaph".  It focuses on what you would want to be inscribed on your tombstone.  It uncovers the legacy you leave to the world that constitutes the fruits of your labor and leadership? This is a forward-looking, yet retrospective exercise about the meaning of your life.  Again, what will you have left to the world?  How will you be thought of when you are gone?  How many people will come to your funeral?  Will you be missed, and why? Now, rewind the reel of this future movie to the present.  What are you doing to fashion and groom your Epitaph?  What choices are you making now?  Right now, this very minute you are choosing to read this, however when you get to the end of this post, then what? Being conscious and fully engaged "in the moment" is the subject of many Existential Philosophers.  Have you thought about the meaning you bring to others' lives?  What can you d...

Influencers, Influence and Trust

 A big part of what determines our success is our ability to influence others.  The way we position ourselves in the vast ocean of "opportunities" to make money is central to how we are perceived. This positioning has a direct bearing on our ability to influence and be trusted. So, what is this positioning?  It is many things, however, it starts with education that is honest and reliable in terms of explaining the unvarnished truth about "what it takes" to be successful in managing a home business.  Then, mentorship and a long-term frame of reference have to be near the top of the list.  Lifestyle adaptation and time management.  And, so much more that is talked about in this Community. Most think of "influencers" as people with huge audiences (email lists or social platform followers) who in turn (given their mass exposure) have the ability to have an influence on this audience.  You have the opportunity (and challenge) to do the same - and at the sam...