
The Art of Prospecting Successful People

No need to re-invent the wheel on this one.  Total attribution goes to Ray Higdon.   I simply think this is so important to understand (and he does such a good job of explaining it) that I want to include it here; There is a video on this page as well as the article: Good stuff.  Take notes with the objective of integrating into how you view and manage your business.


There is a pretty well-known leadership training exercise named, "Epitaph".  It focuses on what you would want to be inscribed on your tombstone.  It uncovers the legacy you leave to the world that constitutes the fruits of your labor and leadership? This is a forward-looking, yet retrospective exercise about the meaning of your life.  Again, what will you have left to the world?  How will you be thought of when you are gone?  How many people will come to your funeral?  Will you be missed, and why? Now, rewind the reel of this future movie to the present.  What are you doing to fashion and groom your Epitaph?  What choices are you making now?  Right now, this very minute you are choosing to read this, however when you get to the end of this post, then what? Being conscious and fully engaged "in the moment" is the subject of many Existential Philosophers.  Have you thought about the meaning you bring to others' lives?  What can you d...

Influencers, Influence and Trust

 A big part of what determines our success is our ability to influence others.  The way we position ourselves in the vast ocean of "opportunities" to make money is central to how we are perceived. This positioning has a direct bearing on our ability to influence and be trusted. So, what is this positioning?  It is many things, however, it starts with education that is honest and reliable in terms of explaining the unvarnished truth about "what it takes" to be successful in managing a home business.  Then, mentorship and a long-term frame of reference have to be near the top of the list.  Lifestyle adaptation and time management.  And, so much more that is talked about in this Community. Most think of "influencers" as people with huge audiences (email lists or social platform followers) who in turn (given their mass exposure) have the ability to have an influence on this audience.  You have the opportunity (and challenge) to do the same - and at the sam...

What Are You Paying For?

 I have had some interesting exchanges recently with a reasonably well-known CEO of a family of eLearning/Income platforms.  The business model of most of his platforms involves some form of monthly residual income.  This is the same space in which we dwell.  As such, I have no issue with the overall business model. However, if you are paying (pick a number) $100 a month on a subscription basis, then what are you really paying for?  In some comp plans, a certain percentage goes to the company as an Admin Fee (say 20%), or in this case, $20.  In some cases, there is no Admin Fee and the entire $100 goes to the person who enrolled you. This begs a question, "What are you paying for?"  Are you paying for a ticket to the money mechanics, the back office of the platform, and all of the tracking of people and payments?  The obvious answer is YES, you are.  But it begs a second question:  "Are you paying for support and mentorship?" In other wo...

Value Ladders, Upsells, and Leverage Components

All three of the items in the title of this post are related, with nuanced differences.  The first two are both leverage components.  An upsell is basically a disguised value ladder.  Let me explain. At the highest level of marketing, a value ladder is fully explained as part of a strategy.  It starts with an introductory offer of (typically) anywhere from $9.97 to $49.97 and is a part of a fully transparent strategy that tells a prospective participant the "goal" is to leverage into higher-level (price and value) products.  Value Ladders are a way to maximize the lifetime earnings from a single customer by increasing the monetary investment, typically over time, and (perhaps) out of earnings. Upsells, on the other hand, promise "the world" in an initial offer and then on the bridge page (sometimes referred to as thank you page) give you the infomercial equivalent of "but wait... if you act now... never to be seen again at this price" pitch.  To me, this i...

Income is a Function of Education I=(f)Ed

Everyone has heard the advice, "go to school, get a good job with benefits, contribute to your retirement", etc.  Going to school typically means getting an advanced degree in something, or going to a trade school to acquire the knowledge and skills be a ____________ (fill in the blank). Making money in any context starts with learning new things.  Money manifests when an effective effort is applied to acquiring new knowledge, which is then applied to the performance of new skills, which is then applied consistently over time to form new habits.  These new habits translate to income-producing behaviors - backed by a foundation of applied expertise.  This is how it works.  No short cuts.  It requires effort and stuffing new "stuff" in your noggin. When I was in college, introductory, freshman-level courses were two digits, typically starting with 80.  Then, progressively the deeper learning in a subject area (and as I progressed through my college years...

What You Earn and The Value You Offer

We build people through enhancing their skills and knowledge acquisition.  We talk about personal branding.  We extol the establishment and nurturance of long-term business relationships and provide the tools to kick start this process.  We are not a biz-opp, sign-up-and-try-it operation.  In fact, the income platforms we use can come and go. The reality is this:  1) the more value you offer, 2) the more people you will attract, 3) the more people you attract, the more money you will make. The "moral of the story" of this post is this:  you need to build resources that build your personal brand as a professional coach and mentor.  Said differently, you need to posture yourself as someone worthy of following   This can't be done by posting links to biz op pages on Facebook, nor any other means of Social Media posting where you are being told to essentially "spam" your link. You can believe this, or fight it.  It is your choice....