The Daily Crisis of, "Can't Afford It"
I was in the grocery store recently. There were two young kids with their mom. The boy was about 7, the girl 4 or so. Like most kids in the checkout line, they were wide-eyed and grabbing candy bars. Even before they could ask, the Mom said, "Put it back, we can't afford it". With a sunken whimper, they complied and that was that. For me, I just stood as a stoic observer, but inside I was crushed for the kids. They were just doing what kids do... testing limits and "going for it". But, the thud of the Mom's authority struck me. Their budget obviously could not withstand a frivolous candy purchase. She didn't say, "Not this time" (or) "No, we got candy last time..." It was like, shut 'em down, drop a rock on their head finality - and they knew there was no sense in arguing. They were being trained to "not afford it". This simple example is how many people live... on the edge and barely making it. A $2 make...