
Advice: Choose. Then, get after it.

Here's the reality.  There are many, good, reasonable ways to make money.  As well, there are many great mentors and systems to follow.  Most lay claim to be plug-and-play... just join and follow the system... what we do is really not all that different. The point of this post is to simply choose.  Do your homework. Make some assessments about your level of trust in the process, the people, etc... and then jump on whatever horse and ride it at a gallop. The system is important.  Our differentiator is that we espouse that learning, teaching, relationships, and community are as equally significant variables in managing a successful home business. All of this is preceded by trust.  Unless we are able to establish a baseline of trust that is earned from providing honest and real information and a plausible path forward, nothing will happen. Our job is to help people choose us - then, get after it with gusto.  We help people change their l...

You Can't Out-Earn Your Self Image

This post is about hope - seasoned with realism.  The Working Poor No More Community exists to help people elevate themselves financially.  While this is a worthy "goal statement", it presupposes a great deal in terms of how to get there. There are a number of different (competing?) schools of thought in regard to what is important to understand in the home business arena.  Many people package and sell this information in their own "system", not all that different than what is done here in the WPNM Community - the difference being is that we do not attempt to make money from our information.  It is free and open to anyone given its universal truth - intended (again) to help people regardless of their business affiliation(s). The notion of out-earning your self-concept has everything to do with mindset.  Some preach that this is the "all important" first step to success.  I am inclined to agree - to a point.  The other major school of thought is "...

We Organize Money and People for Everyone's Benefit

After years of pondering, this statement may be the best characterization (to date) for what we do.  We organize groups of people and encourage them to use a portion of their money that we then aggregate and leverage through the use of online money-making platforms. Organizing involves finding and educating, and these two things are defined by specific marketing methods and tools use.  There is no mystery.  It is all about applied effort doing things that will put information in front of people for them to evaluate.  The more people you get to evaluate what we do, the more money you will make (if you are a good mentor). Then, long-term, the way you engage the people who join with you... the leadership you provide... will determine if you will have built a sustainable business. That's it.  Find.  Educate.  Engage and support for the long-term.  Build on the habits, values, and sense of community that we talk about on this blog.  It ...

Contribution to Each Others' Success

Early on in the evaluation process of joining a business, it is prudent and fair to evaluate your enroller.  This is why we "preach" to anyone considering joining us is that you have to work hard at establishing your credibility and be worthy of being followed. One lens to look at this is through in the title of this post.  It is fair to consider how two people can "contribute to each others' success".  In this context, please understand, you need to make a commitment to entering a relationship.  You are "joining" a person and a community... not a "deal" to make money. It is completely fair and reasonable to judge how you will "click" with the person who has introduced you.  Hopefully, in them, you will glean a sense of integrity and truthfulness with a bit of an edge (a disclaimer) that what we do is not easy and is not for everyone.  Otherwise, everyone would be doing it. Our business is about the interdependence of a large ...


What is security?  To many, it means having a job with benefits.  Going to work every day, having a predictable paycheck and getting two weeks off a year.  All play a role in defining how most people view "security". There is a movement going on in the home business industry that suggests you "create your own economy" that is independent of the traditional economy.  What this means is that you have control of your finances (such that) you can/could live independently from the eight-hour-a-day slog. Forget about the lifestyle considerations this will afford you.  Forget about ALL of the creature comforts of toys, travel and being a big tipper.  Simply reflect on the underlying, fundamental baseline of what it will feel like waking up every morning knowing that your bills are covered - and will be for as long as you can rationally see into the future. This is what our business model offers.  This is the goal.  Getting there does not happe...

An Alternate Economy to the Job Economy

Most people have jobs.  Understood.  All good. For most, this is not a choice - but is a function of how they have been taught to think and then adapting it to their role in life... to have a job with benefits... being a responsible, productive member of society... yadda, yadda, yadda...  Still, all good.  This is the way the world works for most people. The WorkingPoorNoMore Community exists to pose an alternative.  We propose (in addition to your current job) that you take the time to understand a different and more personalized way to make a living.  The common sense aspect deals with your ability to control your future by controlling your income. Under the WorkingPoorNoMore umbrella, we have a variety of marketing sites that focus on different target markets.  We introduce people to a specific online businesses that is progressive, ultimately building into full-time residual income that enables people to consider leaving the world o...

Financial Literacy, Leverage, and Understanding Growth

One of our marketing sites is "Three Steps to Retire at Any Age".  This is a pretty bold and provocative title.  The three steps outline a pragmatic "system" that can be followed and combines a progressive rationale from simple to more complex. In the beginning, little is required except to commit and get going.  This means developing a few simple resources that enable people to get to know you (a simple "About Me" site and how to set up a couple of Gmail accounts that are used in different ways).  Then, it is just a matter of exposing people to any of our Marketing Sites that are specifically focused on the people we target. At the end of the day, we engage in what we do to create income.  Our model leverages both money and people (or, people and their money) for each others' benefit.  We are inter-dependent.  We rely on each other and pool resources by choosing vehicles to participate with.  These vehicles provide a structure that is co...