The Community is Your Asset
There is a point of confusion that most digital marketers to not adequately address. This entire blog talks about culture and community, and here's why. Businesses (can) come and go. Unless you literally "own" the company - you are promoting someone else's opportunity. You are not in control of your business. What you do control, however, are the relationships, the "group think" and the alliances and common purpose you build with people. This is your asset - and it is all relationship-based. Some call it your "list". And... the industry adage is "the money is in your list". Actually, some marketers advocate collecting names and having a lot of names to make different offers to - over time. As such, they say that this large list is the asset. I agree with this to a point, but am also inclined to disagree. There is also the industry mantra of "know, like and trust". The admonition is that people need to know, like...