The Launch to Profitaiblity

This is critical.  People need to launch to profitability as quickly as possible.  This does not happen on its own - and therefore hand holding, cajoling or any other means of motivation in the first weeks is essential.

Perhaps a bit over-stated, but the general idea is that if people are in profit, there is no reason to quit. Therefore, initial profitability is a first little insurance policy.  It follows that to get into profit, something needed to have been "done".  It is a bit more complicated than wash, rinse, and repeat because at that point the "recruit" having just had their initial success - now has two roles, instead of one.  In addition to finding people to get involved, they need to apply the skills necessary to support their newly enrolled person.

This defines the life cycle of our business:  enroll and support.  Or said differently:  marketing and teaching.  It defines the success cycle.  We really only do two things:  1) find and enroll people into our business, and; 2) support them i whatever they need to be doing to become competent and profitable.


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