
What Have you Done, Today?

It doesn't matter what it is.  Listen, some people have time.  Some people have money.  Some people have skills.  Many don't have skills. If you have money, you can invest in tools to automate some of the functions of your business.  If you don't, you have to take a slower path that will inherently require more grunt work.  No matter your starting point, you NEED to be doing something to get "whatever you have to offer" in front of people to evaluate - TODAY. In our business,this involves getting people to online information where they can look at videos, be directed to blog posts, have the opportunity to read third party reviews and begin the evaluation process of whether what we do will be a good fit for them. The biggest mistake most "new" people make is spending all of their time initially learning things and not "taking action" to get their message in front of people. It doesn't matter what this might be:  social media, distribut...

Group Think

Let's not over-complicate this.  What we do at the most foundational level is build a community (a group of people) who think alike in regard to: a strategy to make money shared values financial inter-dependence mutual support learning and teaching as the keys to success commitment to the long-term These are at the core.  The vehicle we use to make money could be anything.  The community we build and belong to is the most important aspect of your business.  It is about relationships and belonging. It is about honesty and building on small successes that build into larger and larger successes. It looks and smells like integrity due to the very real sentiment of people caring for each other and leaving financial struggle in the rear view mirror. It is about the sacrifice of your time to help others understand the tools and techniques that we use and are necessary to use. This is the work we do.  We help people understand and grow into compet...

Earning Platforms

The goal for any business is to make money.  Broadly, any business is an earning platform.  It doesn't matter what the business is.  At the end of the day, money is exchanged for something of real or perceived value. Our business is an earning platform. It provides the structure to take a relatively small amount of money and leverage it into larger and larger amounts of money.  It is straightforward and systematic geometric growth. The key to (y)our growth is understanding that competence has to be at the center of this earnings universe.  There is no winging it.  What we do requires competent knowledge, that leads to skills and taking these knowledge and skills and competently applying effort to tell other people what we do -and how they can get involved. It is our platform - no different than a political party platform - that has pillars that the whole proposition stands on.  Knowledge, competence and effort applied in intelligent and productiv...

"Scam" and "Pyramid Scheme" Marketing

If you Google just about any Home Business opportunity, among the top results, you will find multiple articles eluding to "Scam (or) Not?".   This may typically be accompanied by a claim that identifies what you are researching as a pyramid or Ponzi scheme.  Here's what you need to know. These terms rank, especially for those who know how to use (manipulate) them to achieve rankings. Because the algorithms at Google look for consumer protection terms, in just about any instance if these keywords are used, they will automatically rank in the search results.  But, here's the deal. This is a form of reverse marketing.  Scam and pyramid scheme marketing is a strategy. "Scam Marketers" use "the opportunity" you are researching to gain your attention, say some negative things about it, and then switch and pitch you on something that they are marketing.  Oftentimes, this is accompanied by denigrating the founder or anything else they can find from the...

We Help People (help themselves)

Our goal and mission is to transfer skills and knowledge.  With the application of these in very specific and targeted ways - we create a path to financial stability.  Then prosperity.  Then total financial independence. If you think this can be done overnight and without the necessary investment of time to learn and apply, you are (unfortunately) sorely mistaken.  What we do is completely analogous to going to school, getting your degree in teaching - and then being a teacher.  If you can not help others (or this does not appeal to you) then our business will not be a good fit for you. We do not really "mass market" and look for warm bodies to sign-up.  We much prefer slow, solid growth with people committed to competence (personally) and the competence of a group of people who become professional marketers - whom you have helped and mentored. Frankly, most people totally miss this in the home business industry - and it the reason for the high failur...

What This is About - At Its Core

We were mystified for years at our inability to make money with anything but a conventional “job”. We knew there must be something missing.  Our “Ah Ha!”  moment occurred when we figured out what follows. We figured there has to be a way to communicate a message with common, mass appeal, and if we figured it out, there could be a lot of money in the balance.  After all, the need for more money is universal… at least for the “99%”.  So what causes such a large majority of people to remain strapped to struggle with poverty constantly nipping at their heels?  Or worse yet, sitting in their laps? It is not a simple answer.  But wouldn’t it be great if there was a strategy that people could trust that is simple, clear and easily understood?  If that were the case, and enough people rallied around… and the motives behind the whole proposition were transparent and true, then why should it be such a stretch to add money to the equation and allow the...

The Difference Between a Goal and a Dream is a Deadline

Accountability.  Discipline.  Fundamentals.  Daily activity.  Are these the first things you think of when thinking about success in a home business? What do you have to do TODAY to "advance" and make money?  By 9:00 tonight, what are you willing to commit to having done?  Then, if you add up all seven days... what will you have accomplished by the end of the week? These are metrics.  You can't manage what you don't measure.  You need to know your metrics. It all involves being "conscious" of what you have chosen to do and then making the decision to make-it-happen. When you are beginning, don't worry about the metrics of results.  These will become important later, but when getting started, simply focus on daily activities.  What are you going to commit to doing? This is where is all starts. Unless you have a well-defined daily goal AND you are actively working on that goal, success is a dream.  This all smells, tastes and ...