The Difference Between a Goal and a Dream is a Deadline

Accountability.  Discipline.  Fundamentals.  Daily activity.  Are these the first things you think of when thinking about success in a home business?

What do you have to do TODAY to "advance" and make money?  By 9:00 tonight, what are you willing to commit to having done?  Then, if you add up all seven days... what will you have accomplished by the end of the week?

These are metrics.  You can't manage what you don't measure.  You need to know your metrics. It all involves being "conscious" of what you have chosen to do and then making the decision to make-it-happen.

When you are beginning, don't worry about the metrics of results.  These will become important later, but when getting started, simply focus on daily activities.  What are you going to commit to doing? This is where is all starts.

Unless you have a well-defined daily goal AND you are actively working on that goal, success is a dream.  This all smells, tastes and feels like work.  Here's why:  it is work.  It takes you out of your normal routines, you need to spend / invest your time differently.  You don't watch TV at your normal job.  You probably can not afford to be watching TV for this self-employment thing.

As such, when you work, you earn your money.  This is a simple, reasonable, adult proposition. There is no free lunch.  Everything requires effort.  Below, you will find what we committed to when we started.
  • spend one hour five days a week cold calling business owners (in person) to introduce the business.  Or, go door to door in residential neighborhoods if you are not a "talker" and simply leave information or a business card.
  • spend two hours a day posting to social media.  Out of this, interact with a minimum of 2-5 people a day.
  • talk to at least to one person on the phone a day to begin building a relationship.  Learn what their needs are and how you may be able to help.
  • email follow-up to people to share information regarding the business and how to build the business.  This can be automated with an auto-responder.
  • always have leave-behinds and post to bulletin boards, or leave in doctor's office waiting rooms in the magazines, or leave in rest rooms taped to a mirror... be creative with this.
Again, the "goal" initially is daily activity.  Marketing is about getting whatever you have to offer in front of people to evaluate.  We guide people through an information gathering process.  The merits of what we do stand on their own.

Your "job" is simply to get information about our business in front of people.  At some point, your activity will snowball and take on a life of its own.  Until then, it is a grind.  If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.  There are very few shortcuts.  Actually, for most people, there are no short cuts.

It all starts with doing the same things every day... just like any job... until there is momentum that will give you the flexibility to try new things, spend money on tools and leads and take your business to the next level.

Crawl before you walk.  Walk before you run.  Then, when running, it will become a way of life.  But again, there are no shortcuts.

Set daily goals and execute.


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