A Retirement Strategy for Late-Starters

I created a niche site named "401Konundrum" with the subtitle "Minding Mismanaged Futures." The goal of this site, much like this post, is to highlight alternative income-generating options that don't rely on lifelong savings, stock market performance, or professional portfolio management—common assumptions about retirement planning.

Our Alternative Approach

Our approach leverages the same principles of compounding and leverage but in a non-traditional manner. We focus on organizing knowledge, people, and money:

  • Knowledge and People: We teach how to build and manage organizations.
  • Money: We provide an alternative to the traditional "lifetime" savings approach.

Traditional vs. Alternative Retirement Models

Consider a traditional retirement model where someone has accumulated $1 million in a 401K. Assuming a conservative 6% annuitized return, this yields $60,000 annually—a result of 40 years of savings and growth.

In contrast, our model emphasizes high-quality relationships and trust through engagement and agreement, hence the name of our community, "Agreement Seekers." We use high-margin business models that generate quick cash flow, known as "Instant Pay, Member to Member" businesses. These models are tailored to our Partners' risk tolerance and financial position, creating momentum in generating cash flow.

Building an Organization

Our business process involves recruiting and enrolling others and forming an organization of people aligned with our mission. As members learn our systems, they build an organization that transitions to monthly subscriptions with leverage components. These subscriptions are funded from the cash flow generated in the first step, not from primary job income.

Income Potential

For example, a typical subscription might be $150 a month. To generate the same $60K annually as in the traditional model, it would require a group of 34 people, yielding $61,200 annually. Building a group of 34 people can be achieved in less than a year for most, given the leveraging components of our business platforms. Typically, enrolling 10-15 people personally can expand to a group of 30-40, translating to a growth rate of about one person per month.

Long-Term Stability

The key to long-term income stability is fostering relationships. Our core values are loyalty, shared commitment to competence, and mentorship—what we seek agreement on.


If you're a late starter and haven't adequately prepared for retirement, we encourage you to understand our model and see if it can work for you.


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