Task Management is a Function of Time Management
Fancy title... for not-so-complicated an idea. This deals with To-Do lists and your schedule.
To-do lists are tasks, e.g., stuff you need to get done that is written down somewhere. Your schedule is the same. It is a written accounting of how your time is and will be spent/invested. Combining these is a "work plan": when you plan on doing what.Making a commitment to this kind of structure is a BIG change for many (most?) people. It requires engagement and focus. First, you need to "spell out" the plan and then execute your plan. It requires forethought. It requires projecting into the future. It requires discipline. Otherwise, you are operating by the seat-of-your-pants.
Now, let me circle back to the title of this post. Task Management is a Function of Time Management. In other words, everything starts with your calendar (no matter how you keep it: online, a calendar book, or weekly planner). Task and time management are inextricably tied, but ultimately you need to carve out the time to bang out what is on your To-Do list. Everything has a time component. Having articulated what you need to get done; you then need to commit the time to do it. There is nothing more critical to your success.
What and when.
If you use a digital calendar, you can contract with yourself. Set "events" with reminders for your business time. Google Calendar has everything you need to keep organized, complete with task lists.
Once you have your first weekly schedule hammered out, it should pretty closely repeat. If (for now) you work a full-time job, these hours are roughly accounted for. Meal prep and eating, shower and getting ready for work, Doctor's appointments are all standards.
Then, when you are managing a growing business (which is the goal here) there will be company meetings and masterminds, creating personal and marketing resources (and all of the learning that is necessary to make this happen), teaching and supporting those you work with, engaging with people on social media (if you choose to do so), yadda, yadda... There is and will be a ton To-Do. The more granular and precise you can be, the better.
Again, what and when.
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