What is "Fair"?

Fair is a powerful word, perceptually.  It speaks to both sides of anything being in equilibrium... i.e. fair and balanced.

Fair means you get yours, and I get mine - and we are both happy with the result.  So, what does this have to do with our business and our Community?

It is out or a posture of fairness that we want to operate.  We create financial independence through financial interdependence.  Inter means between.  We (you and me) are linked and this concept of "fair".  It extends to everything we do.

However, is it realistic to expect that everyone will invest the same effort?  If not, is this fair?  How do we deal with people who are initially a ball-of-fire, but then peter out and become non-productive?  Do we cajole and attempt to motivate?

Let's take a step back.  We try to attract people who understand standards and expectations.  Our Community is all about, "What it takes".  This is expressed in effort - consistently applied.  Non-productive means not applying effort.

People and their circumstances differ.  Someone working full-time and caring for an elderly parent... and doing our business is much different than a college student who has comparatively less to deal with.  There simply will not be the same amount of hours in a day when effort can be applied.

This comes full circle in accepting people "where they are" and what they bring to the table.  There is no common baseline.  Therefore, it makes no real sense in trying to calibrate what is "fair".

Fair is progress.  Fair is moving forward.  Fair is small successes leading to larger successes.  Fair is being engaged in one's own process pursuant to their goals.  Fair is dictated by one's own standards that are put through the filter of our Community Standards.

Ultimately, what is "fair" is working with people that is "in kind" with their level of effort.  At the minimum, as a mentor, we owe this level of reciprocation.  We invest in people to the level that they invest in themselves.  The committed, the hungry, the active need to be met with the same.  If someone is on a slower, less aggressive trajectory, we need to be mindful and attentive to their progress, however, progress is the metric on which attention is paid.

It is only fair.  Business is about many things, but ultimately it is about transactions and making money.  If someone (anyone) is not engaged in behaviors that will result in earnings, eventually they will atrophy and die in terms of being deserving of your time and attention.

We do our best to prevent this from happening.  It is contrary to our culture and values.  However, we can only reciprocate and reflect back positive effort and move forward with those who have their game face on and "bring it" consistently.


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