Make Your Mark

Most people are comfortable with their stable, predictable, status quo lives.  It is referred to as peoples' "Comfort Zone".  Much has been written (by many) about breaking out of this "zone" and progressing toward a goal.  Some are willing to experience the ill-at-ease and discomfort of doing things that stretch and challenge their ordinary, daily routines.   However, most people drone through life repeating the same cylce - as days, weeks and years pass.

The whole notion of "making your mark" will only appeal to those with the aspiration to do so.  It will only entice those not satisfied with their lot in life.  Our goal, our "job" is to find these people.  The issue is this:  they are the exception, not the rule.  This is true, even in the context of what we do:  teaching people to make money, and providing the platform to make it happen.  If "the idea" of most people wanting or needing more money is true, then why wouldn't they be beating a path to our door to jump in?  This paradox is important to wrap your head around but really comes full circle to the very simple notion that is expressed in the previous paragraph.  Most people simply do not have the willingness (ability) to integrate something new into their lives.  They are comfortable with the way things are, even though they will readily say they need "more" financially.

So, it is gut check time.  What about you?  What are you willing to do?  What are you willing to learn in terms of knowledge, skills and how you need to modify your daily habits?  Are you willing to integrate new behaviors (expend hours) of your life invested in changing the course of your life?

Is making your mark important?  How do you want to be remembered?  How many people will you have helped?  Is helping people a viable and credible way to earn a living, simply by showing them the mechanics of a process and teaching them that process?

You can "make your mark" by teaching and helping people.  That is what we do.  We all agree on a strategy and implement that strategy.  At this level, it is as simple and straightforward as it gets.  We are educators who make a living by finding people open to being educated.  The "allure" (the carrot) is making money.  The "stick" is the process and system to make it happen.  With no stick, you can't dangle the carrot in front of the donkey to have them chase it.  Unfortunately, all the donkey sees or cares about is the carrot.

But leave no doubt, at the end of the day, we "sell" sticks.  Without the stick, the carrot doesn't matter.  If you want to make your mark, embrace the fact that we are in the stick business.  We sell the competencies that give us the ability to demonstrate how money is a by-product of skills, systems, and processes...

This will only appeal to those who have the aspiration to ascend to a place that is "better" than what they currently know as "comfortable".


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