Empathy and Humility

I just want to make a quick point about being authentic.  In the past, I have written about leadership, integrity, honesty, character...  and their role in establishing and maintaining a successful home business.

I was a communication major in college.  In one of the classes I took, we made a deep dive into what "attitude" is.  At the end of the day, it is basically how you are wired (predisposed) to react to things.  Attitude comes from how you think based on the accumulated experiences of your life.  Then, when you react to something (anything) you express yourself verbally and non-verbally with your "attitude" toward.. whatever.

I have also written about the importance of relationships... and the real asset you build is not a bank account, but the friendships and loyalties you build that support that income.  Our business is all about people helping people and a creating culture and community where people feel included, appreciated, respected, valued... and their confidence is borne of competence and success.

All this being said, let me bring it back around to empathy and humility.  First, empathy is necessary to understand and accept people for where they are in terms of life experience and skills.  This is a very, very wide range of attitudes, behaviors, and skills.  Anyone does not automatically "click" with just anyone.  Therefore, (although I generally don't like the term) finding and grooming a group of "like-minded" people that results in a community that will support your income is not easy.  It takes effort and investment of time - specifically focused on engendering the values and norms that are manifest in a culture of success.  This has everything to do with assessing where people are and getting them on the same page with you... or singing off of the same sheet of music, so to speak.

Humility, on the other hand, is all about you.  Let me put it this way:  if you try to fake it... if you are not honest about who you are, where you've been... you will be revealed as being disingenuous (at best) and a liar (at worst).  This is why I think it is important for anyone to develop resources about who they are and talk about "your story", no matter what that story is.

Fortunately, if you do not have a strong back-story, we have the systems, tools, and processes to enable success relatively quickly - and this is through being genuine about who we are, what we do and setting brutally honest expectations.  If you do not have a strong story, you can start with this... and talk about our community and culture and why it made sense to you... why it is different than most anything you have ever looked at in the past...

This has gone on a bit longer than I anticipated so I will close.  There is a lot to digest and try to integrate into your own "attitude" toward your life and your business.  I encourage you to read this a few times and really try to grasp what is being attempted to be communicated.

It will serve you well.


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