
Showing posts from 2016

Making a Positive Difference

At risk of sounding too simplistic, our business philosophy is to make a positive difference in peoples' lives.  The reality is that money lubricates life.  When income exceeds expenses, money literally eliminates the stress of daily living and liberates people from financial demons.  This allows people to be their best-selves - happy and comparatively free - at least on a financial dimension. As such, and in a much broader context, our culture (our ethos) positively impacts society.   This is much larger than a "business opportunity". Inherent in this is collectively, as a community, we elevate the quality-of-life for large groups of people who we support through education and through teaching to take purposeful, well-defined action(s). We make a positive difference by paying attention to relationships and to the best of our ability, doing all we can to ensure others' success.  This is inherently a process that happens over time - and with time, we build st...

Permission Marketing

First, let me preface: Without giving away too much about what makes our marketing group unique, it is safe to say that we seek to establish stable, long-term relationships. This is done within the context of a community. We rely on and support each other in building businesses that create financial stability. The kind of stability that evolves into higher and higher levels of prosperity.  Individual by individual, this defines what we do as we grow participation in our groups. This being said, how we initially approach and market to the groups we target has everything to do with the initial contact(s) we make.  We do this through asking for permission (if they are receptive to?) receiving further information about what we offer.   In this context, the chapters that Seth Godin shares a great primer to get your head around how we build large, stable organizations.  We are not mass marketers in the traditional sense, but very specifically and intentionally are th...

A Right Way and A Wrong Way

Is there a right way and a wrong way to approach a home business?  Around the Holidays, between Thanksgiving and New Years (every year) there are always multiple promotions from different "follow me and my system" marketers.  Typically, they host webinars and then have a campaign to follow-up (forever) until you unsubscribe. There are a lot of clues left by this process.  The problem is that for the vast majority of people, the skills sets required to execute this kind of "marketing funnel" to a targeted national or worldwide audience are well beyond their time and talent.  So, even though there are many examples of state-of-the-art processes, building one yourself is an extremely tall order. Some advocate "the only way" is through paid advertising and they will show you how to make it happen.  Others sell the process itself and include landing page builders integrated with free offers and auto-responder campaigns.  Many or most of these have ...

The Community is Your Asset

There is a point of confusion that most digital marketers to not adequately address. This entire blog talks about culture and community, and here's why. Businesses (can) come and go.  Unless you literally "own" the company - you are promoting someone else's opportunity.  You are not in control of your business.  What you do control, however, are the relationships, the "group think" and the alliances and common purpose you build with people. This is your asset - and it is all relationship-based.  Some call it your "list".  And... the industry adage is "the money is in your list".  Actually, some marketers advocate collecting names and having a lot of names to make different offers to - over time.  As such, they say that this large list is the asset.  I agree with this to a point, but am also inclined to disagree. There is also the industry mantra of "know, like and trust".  The admonition is that people need to know, like...

Our Marketing Sites (so far)

You can click on any of following sites to get a sense of how we approach market segmentation and drill down on specific groups, or geographic areas.  You will note they are all "neutral" in terms of contact information and does not disclose nor link to the business that drives our incomes. Also, you will note that each site is built on a FREE Google Sites host.  They are simple, one page sites that encourage people to get back to the person who led them to the information.  As you advance in your skill sets, you can develop your own. In any event, here's the list: 401Konundrum  - Targeted to people who are about to retire, but have done a less than adequate job at saving and planning for it. Business Owners  - Targeted to individually owned, small retail shops, food establishments, child care centers, contractors, etc. Independent Grad - Targeted to college students, including fraternities and sororities as well as student organizations.  The...

The Launch to Profitaiblity

This is critical.  People need to launch to profitability as quickly as possible.  This does not happen on its own - and therefore hand holding, cajoling or any other means of motivation in the first weeks is essential. Perhaps a bit over-stated, but the general idea is that if people are in profit, there is no reason to quit. Therefore, initial profitability is a first little insurance policy.  It follows that to get into profit, something needed to have been "done".  It is a bit more complicated than wash, rinse, and repeat because at that point the "recruit" having just had their initial success - now has two roles, instead of one.  In addition to finding people to get involved, they need to apply the skills necessary to support their newly enrolled person. This defines the life cycle of our business:  enroll and support.  Or said differently:  marketing and teaching.  It defines the success cycle.  We really only d...

Literally: Our Business is Others' Success

Your main responsibility as a business owner (in our business) is to do all you can to ensure people [those you rely on for their monthly participation in your on-going income] have success.  This happens on a number of levels, the most fundamental one is ensuring you develop a relationship and you engender a culture that includes a sense-of-belonging. Servant leadership obviously involves serving.  There is nothing more important than serving others and ensuring they are on track and have the skills and habits to apply on a daily basis.  We are in the people development business.  If "our" people are not evolving and gaining competencies (incrementally, day by day, week by week) then our business(es) will be made of sticks, and not of bricks.  (Three Little Pigs analogy, intentional) The tools of the trade in this regard are that of any other relationship.  Phone calls, emails, texts, participation group training, getting on company calls.  Y...

Ignorance is Expensive

This is a provocative title that is potentially off-putting.  I understand. It is really meant to be an attention grabber and nothing more.  So allow me to apologize if it raised your eyebrow. In writing about "ignorance being expensive", the reality is most people have not taken the time to understand the difference between active and passive income, not even mentioning how to make it happen. Most people have a job and pay their bills and are content with the cards they have been dealt.  They get up every Monday morning and do it again and trudge through to the following weekend.  Of the active income they earn, perhaps some is saved.  For most, little is invested.  It is how most people describe (and end up in) the rat race. All we are here to tell you is that there is an alternative.  It is passive income.  You do the work once, and the same money comes month after month after month - passively, and grows geometrically. This is the mo...

Already have a successful business?

If you already have a successful business, what we do will complement (not compete with) what you currently do.  As such, we are a diversification option. There was an analogy that I heard recently that you cannot be the pastor of two churches under two denominations.  The question posed was 'what do you really believe' and those who follow (attend your church) would have legitimate cause to wonder what your true convictions are?  If you are marketing products within the same category, I would be inclined to agree... i.e. two weight loss products, two skin care lines, two anti-oxidant health drinks, two travel companies... name your deal... We represent a tools, training and education"deal".  Our business ramps quickly due to person-to-person commerce with no money going to the parent company, other than a monthly administrative fee to cover the back office and on-going product development. Therefore, what we do, does not compete with product or service-based b...


The definition of security differs for everyone.  For some, having a "secure job" meets their definition.  For others, being on a track for a secure retirement needs to fit into the equation.  For many, the idea of not having to depend on someone else is key to their definition.  In this sense, security has everything to do with control - and having the ability to control your life and your future. Our market is not people who fit neatly into the first two categories and who are satisfied with their stable existence.  Therefore, right off of the top, we can exclude 80% of the population who are employed and buying-in to the conventional American dream of a house, a car and meeting all of their bills. Your potential success will be affected if you do not understand this reality.  And, it begs the question of who we target as "higher" probability prospects.  Are there groups/populations who inherently have an "itch to scratch" as it relates to securi...

Business is a Team Sport

There are a lot of ways to write about this. The obvious one is to make football or basketball analogies, and then have the discussion evolve to leadership with quarterbacks and point guards. Somehow, I think all this has already been done. As such, I am not going to go in that direction, but more importantly want to contextualize "team" and what it means to "our" sport.  So, let me start here: a team is a group of people who work together with the common goal of winning a game.  Our game is money. Teams practice and have coordinated strategies (plays) that define what everyone's role is for bursts of time.  The question then becomes, what "plays" do we run and how do we coordinate among ourselves in our business?  And, even before this, what drills do we run in practice to sharpen and refine fundamental skills and mechanics? All of this is completely analogous to athletics.  However, there are plenty of opportunities to learn about individual sk...

Finding People to Support

This post is about mindset.  The home-based business industry typically has used the words recruit, enroll, sponsor, get sign-ups... to define the activity of business building. I want to tweak this just a bit.  There is more to the proposition beyond the next silver ball being loaded - and then flung up to the top of the pin ball machine and left to bounce around - and then needing to be whacked to keep it in play. When we "find people to support", the idea from the outset is that we need to understand how the person we are talking to.  Our orientation has to be how we can help someone.  In some cases, this will mean that we "turn down" people if we do not think they have a likelihood of success. This comes down to our assessments of people as potential business partners.  Have they taken the time to understand what we do?  Do they have the ability to articulate our business philosophy of learning and teaching?  Have they, in some manner, stated...

First Complement - Second Replace - Then Retire

In general, I hesitate in talking too extensively about money. Although any business success  is ultimately "measured" by profitability, the money is the end and not the means... and without the means - talking about the end is simply a pipe dream.  This having been said, there is a path to retirement with our business.  The intent here is to share what this looks like. The first goal is the first sale.  It all begins here.  We need to attract just one person who is interested and believes in what we do.  This breaking-of-the-ice (and breaking even) is all important and will establish the first bit of conviction that what we do is viable and do-able - for you. Being realistic, we then need to learn how to grow.  As you grow, you can reach more things higher and higher on the learning tree and make connections between people and concepts.  During this time, you complement your income.  At first, it feels like tidbits and the retu...

Money is a By-Product of Service and Value

Having been in or around the online money-making industry since the beginning of the internet, I have seen things come and go.  I am or have been on the email lists of many, many "gurus" who have marketed the latest and greatest systems, strategies and formulas. I have been exposed to and evaluated "money-making opportunities" that are every color of the rainbow, at investment levels from 5 cents to $52,000.  Systems that use phone broadcasting, to postcards, to auto-posting to social media, local guerilla marketing, email autoresponders and capture pages.  And this is just the tip of the possibilities  Frankly, all of these have their place (and) are a fit for some but not for others - based on your background and experience. To put it like my father would have said it, there are more ways to make money than "you can shake a stick at".  The corollary to this is that there is an equal number of people willing to impart advice on how to go about i...

The Seven Social Sins

At the end of the day, among all the ways we define ourselves, we are a social business. When I came across The Seven Social Sins, it was an "ah-ha" moment because these encapsulate so much of the Working Poor No More philosophy and what we strive to communicate to people in the process of evaluating whether to join us. The Seven Social Sins are: Wealth without work. Pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without character. Commerce without morality. Science without humanity. Worship without sacrifice. Politics without principle. These represent our core values in regard to wealth, knowledge and commerce.  Of course, the rest are all good ponder fodder.  If you delve at any depth into this blog, you will find that wealth requires work, especially when like most of us, we start from nothing and incrementally build a business and better life. Commerce without morality is a key differentiator in our marketing community.  You will find that truth ...

Moral Authority

Isn't it interesting that a topic like Moral Authority is relevant in today's business environment, especially in the "home business" arena?  I have thought about this topic for quite some time and reflected on my life experience to illustrate something that I hope will be beneficial. When my kids were in Junior High, I started asking the same question in a couple of different ways. The first was, "How are you going to distinguish yourself as you get older?"  The second was, "What makes you exceptional?" I was trying to impress upon them that they need to stand for something.  I wanted to convey that someone trusting you - implicitly -  is the highest compliment and honor you can ever receive.  There is a great deal more that I tried to do in helping (them) form their character, but you get the idea... So, this is a nice tidbit of family nostalgia... but what does it have to do with business and the subject of Moral Authority? Moral Aut...

A Viable Means to Complement Treadmill Income

We try very hard to not over-inflate what we do and stay firmly grounded in the practical and reasonable.  Our "appeal" is to anyone wanting or needing to stabilize their finances as a springboard to higher and higher levels of prosperity.  However, if you spend any time learning about our philosophy of doing business, this pre-supposes a lot. We strive to be perceived as calm and rational, and as the title states... to simply posture ourselves as a viable alternative in the total universe of money-making opportunities.  Our goal is not to appeal to everyone, but to appeal to people who will invest the time necessary to understand, on a very pragmatic level, "why" we are a special organization to be a part of. The title also mentions treadmill income.  This infers that most people who will find what we do appealing - are looking to elevate themselves beyond their frustration with a life of squeaking by and barely "making it".  People who go to a job ...

Decent, Honorable People

As a business owner, I want to attract decent, honorable people.  This is important on a number of levels, not the least of which are the implications of attracting the opposite. In my "day job", I manage a group of 72 people.  When I first introduce myself to any group I talk about having two extra eyes.  I then go on to explain that I really mean they need to have to extra "i's".  These two i's are initiative and integrity.  Decent, honorable people, for the most part, have these two i's. Let me tell you how I define them.  Integrity means that you are doing what you are supposed to be doing when no one is watching.  Initiative means that you do things on your own, without having to be told. In our business, you need to engage in productive daily activity.  Your sense of integrity needs to drive doing what you are supposed to be doing.  Discipline is absolutely essential.  And this rolls right into initiative because th...

A Community Approach to Income

Let me be clear.  Earning vehicles come and go and should not be the ultimate determining factor in your decision to get involved with something. Here's the point:  the value in what we do is relationship-based.  It is not about this deal or that opportunity, it is about the community that supports the concept of income generation.  This is the asset.  The network of positive, lasting relationships you build is directly proportional to the success you will have. As such, the business is secondary (essentially).  If you land on a good one, and it has "market permanence"... is well respected... all the better.  This is not to advocate that we should all be looking for the next shiny object, but it does not negate the fact that when people are tied into the pulse of "what is working now", mass migrations can and should take place to capitalize on the next-big-thing. This does not discount your core program or programs.  I strongly believe that ...

Money Alliance

This is what we do.  This is who we are.  We are an alliance of people who pool our knowledge and resources to make money.  It is really not complicated.  We share a common goal and are "allied" in achieving it. The rest is just details.  We market a subscription and need about 20-30 people participating (in a group) to replace most middle-class incomes.  We collectively  build to this point progressively and work with people to ramp up to profitability.  There are no secret formulas or inside strategies... but just common sense and practical steps to understand and implement. We reject the notions of simple and easy.  The fact is that if simple and easy defined what we do, everyone would be doing it and be successful.  We all know that this is not the case. Our job is to find people who will take the time to understand what we do.  Informed people with whom we develop a level of trust, choose to join us.  Again, it...

A Time and Place

Sounds like a movie title... actually it is the name of a song by Mike and the Mechanics.  But a time and place in this context has everything to do with things you choose. During the time you choose to "work", you will inherently be somewhere.  But where?  Do you (will you) have a place that is free of distraction?  Are you willing to turn off the television and focus? Can you find a space in your home to go to and close the door?  The obvious implication here is that you will enhance your chances of success if you do. If you work a day job, the obvious thing is that you will need to focus on your business during the evening.  If you work second shift, the reverse is true.  Understanding "time" is more important to your success than just about any other factor.  You will need to consciously choose to alter the way you have lived your life.  This means choosing to invest hours of your day(s) in different ways. This change and sacrifice ...

Tax Form 1099

A 1099 is a tax form that is required to report Independent Contractor earnings.  This is something you register for with the company you are working with.  An initial "litmus test" of whether a business is legitimate (or is flying the seat of their pants) is if they are requiring you to fill out and submit 1099 paperwork as a part of their enrollment process. Statements like, "Your taxes are your responsibility and it is assumed you will do the right thing" are a red flag and simply indicates that the "deal" you are considering does not have the administrative sophistication to track and then report your earnings to you (and the government). Therefore, if you are at the stage of trying to discriminate between "this one and that one" in terms of money-making opportunities, ask (or find out) if they provide you with a 1099.  If they do not, it is reasonable cause for concern and you should be asking if you want to hitch your wagon to their ...

What Is There to Lose?

This is standard rhetoric, right?  It's twin is, "hey, give it a chance... what have you got to lose"?  So, let's talk about it. I recently wrote a post about risk aversion and people having the fear of losing their money.  OK.  So this is on the table.  If things don't work out for you, you stand to lose some money.  I get it.  No judgment here.  Many need to choose the safe route and consider it the mature and responsible thing to do, especially if living month to month and hand-to-mouth.  If this is you, God bless you. But for those willing to take the next step, what else is there to lose?  Time invested?  Personal credibility, especially if you are not successful?  Failed aspirations and not achieving a goal?  Suffice it to say that there are may things "riding" on success or failure.  This is the reality.  This is life.  You can probably add items and create your own list of how you stand...

Fear of Pulling the Trigger

Most people understand that it takes money to make money... in most cases.  The amount of money varies and the amount invested is typically correlated to the size of the return that can be expected. Serious propositions, however, do not always require "serious" investments.  Our business is typical of this.  The upside potential compared to the initial investment required is significantly in favor of the upside potential. But, here's the kicker:  people are risk averse.  Or, they have a fear of pulling the trigger and parting with the money to get started.  This is why you need to learn all you can.  Cross the t's and dot the i's. Ask questions and analyze.  At the end of the day, you will be smarter and better off for doing so. However, at the end of this process, you need to decide.  The key in the ignition of our income vehicle is the initial investment.  It is the trigger that releases the firing pin th...

Counter Culture

The term "counter-culture" is typically associated with hippies in the 60's.  Hippies were a sub-group of the population.  I don't need to describe them, other than that they were driven by different norms and values that made them distinct.  If you saw a guy with a beard, hair to the middle of his back and wearing a peace patch on a vest, he was called a hippie. Flower child, tree hugger, and crunchy granola are all derivatives, but each gives this same subset of our society a slightly different definition, again based on what they espouse, what they eat, their position on the environment... I encourage you to think of our movement (our culture) in similar terms.  We are different from the mainstream.  We know and teach things that separate us from the norms of a job or career, a bi-weekly paycheck, getting up to be at work at 6 am (if you are like me), chronic exhaustion... and in general "living a life a quiet desperation". How many times have you h...

Build Your Own Wall

With the election just passed, there is a level of uncertainty to what will evolve in our country.  Of all the issues that are going to be turned on their heads - the economy, taxes, income inequality, the minimum wage... many of these may have a bearing on you and your family in the months and years to come. Building Your Own Wall is a strategy to deal with this uncertainty.  It is intended to inoculate you from the potential volatility that the new administration can instigate and use Donald Trump's concept of making America strong by taking care of Americans first.  One of his proposals is to build a physical wall.  We build a conceptual wall. The wall we build is a financial one - that will enable you to create an economy for yourself that is independent of your job, the national economy and all of the traditional notions of how income is earned and money is made.  We want you to think about building an income fortress that keeps the "greater econom...

Important to Understand and Put in Context

You may want to expand the video to full page, then come back to read the commentary.  Hit play, then while playing, expand to 'Full Screen' in the lower right corner.  To return here from the Full Screen, hit 'Esc' at the upper left of your keyboard. There is so much to say about this.  It is potentially a big black eye on our industry unless you understand how it differs from what we do and put this video in its proper context. First, let me get something out of the way.  I was a part of a class action lawsuit in 1992 against NuSkin.  As the video states, I was "garage qualified".  NuSkin's model had a monetary threshold to qualify for executive bonuses.  It is kind of embarrassing to think back on, but let me simply say, "been there, done that", to the tune of $3K a month.  Whether I was a naive dreamer, or I was duped doesn't really matter now, just suffice it to say that I intimately and painfully understand the "voice...

Going to School in Our Community

What we do is not unlike going to school.  The difference is that you will be paid to do so.  Leave no doubt however that there are things to learn, skills to develop, tools to use.  All of this requires effort and commitment. I talk about managing and incorporating "change" in many places, so I do not want to make this the focus here.  My goal is to convey what the nitty-gritty of what all this means (as a practical matter) if you "buy in" to consciously choosing to alter how you spend hours of your day consistently and with perseverance in joining our community. So what do you need to know?  What skills will you need to acquire? Initially, most everything is / can be done on the Google platform. Using Gmail "for all it is worth" is an important first skill. This involves simple things like setting up multiple accounts and understanding how to use them for different purposes.  When you get more advanced, you will want to invest in an autoresponder, ...

Got 'Em? Great - If Not, Get 'Em

If you bring skills to the table that will contribute to your success, great.  This article will tell you what these skills are.  If you don't, you need to be willing to commit to learning them. So, what are the skills and tools you need?  At the most fundamental level there is something we call getting "Google-ized".  This includes: Gmail - having Gmail accounts and understanding all they have to offer is fundamental.  As examples, knowing how to create an account that is specifically set to reply automatically.  How to create a hyperlink that directs people to another place on the internet.  Understanding that you can have multiple Gmail account for different purposes. Google Voice - you can have a free phone to used for business purposes and to use as a texting platform As you evolve, you will want to understand Blogger and Sites and have the ability to "create" content and share it.  These resources will position you as an authorit...

Building Trust

Relationships develop over time.  With time, and with the ups and downs that all relationships take, you develop trust.  After all, how do you judge that someone or something is being reliably truthful? How do you know that you are not being "fed" bunk and people are not simply trying to put their hand on your wallet? There is a communication dynamic called "instant intimacy".  In communication terms, it is not really the same thing as love at first sight.  The process of information exchange typically (in normal social interactions) go through layers of information from public, then social, then personal and finally (over time) intimate information.  Instant intimacy is really instant trust to allow people into your world and to engage in intimate topics. The reason what we do is at times, tough - is that "money" is a very personal/intimate topic for most people, especially if you don't have enough of it.  As marketers, we violate and blast right ...

What Do You Want?

...and what are you going to do to get it? Let's put a little sharper point on the pencil here.  We are talking about money.  Money lubricates life. If you are not meeting your bills rights now... if you want something you can't afford right now... if you have college loans to pay... if  you are not set up well for retirement and have no realistic Plan B... name your need:_____________________. No matter the reason for you needing more money, addressing these needs is (and will remain) a dream or a wish unless you have a strategy to close the gap between where you are, and where you want to be. What we do is offer ONE option.  ONE alternative.  ONE thing for you to consider.  The reality is that there are a million ways to make money.  You only need ONE.  What we do may or may not be that ONE thing.  Our point is that if you brush off what we do and don't have a serious look, you are significantly short-changing yourself (your life...

Consulting / Coaching / Advising

At the end of the day, if you wanted a description of what we do, the goal is to be a consultant and coach.  We advise and counsel and help people determine if they think we can help them through working collaboratively toward financial prosperity. First, we consult with people and provide information.  We, as business owners, evolve through information acquisition to the point of becoming experts at what we do.  Our "job" is to match people who have the mindset, drive, and resources (with) our business model and our business philosophy.  In this sense, we do not "sell".  We simply guide people through an information and decision-making process.  For the prospect, this is a real bargain, because we offer this service for free. Second, our role is to coach.  In many places on this blog, I use the word "teach".  I compare the process to going to school.  You need to learn, then take what you have learned and teach i...

Alan Shawn Feinstein

I live in Rhode Island.  To most people in this state, the "named" in this post is well known.  He gives significant amounts of money to education and then requires schools be named after him.  He still advertises on TV promoting his foundation and philanthropic efforts.  His career has not been without controversy, but overall he is perceived as a good man with a lot of money who attempts to do good in the world. You can look up his Wiki. The interesting thing here is how this "self-made" man garnered his wealth?  Among being a stamp trader and buying and selling (the physical) Babe Ruth's contract - a significant percentage of his money came from selling a subscription to newsletters.  One was called "The Wealth Maker", and another called "International Insider's Report".  He also wrote booklets called, "How To Make Money" and "How to Make Money Fast". So what does this have to do with what we do?  It is reported...

Money Instructions

Instructions provide detailed information about how something should be done.  As such, instructions are free of bias.  They do not favor anything.  Instructions just tell you what to do.  When you bake a cake out of a box:  1) preheat the oven...  When you assemble a grill:  1) remove contents from packaging and inspect...  We have all followed instructions since we could read. What if there were a recipe or assembly instructions to make money?  First, do this.  Second, do this. Third...  Then at the end, you will have assembled money.  Can it be that easy? At great risk of oversimplification, the answer is actually "yes".  It all starts with Step 1, which is learning all you can about our Marketing Group and philosophy of doing business.  Step 2 is learning about the vehicle we use to make money.  Step 3 is to get your questions answered.  Step 4 is deciding to join us. Once you decide to get involve...

Participatory Economics

If the title seems a bit dense, bear with me as I explain. The central notion of Participatory Economics is that we can produce the conditions that enable you to achieve financial stability .  In time, the goal is to achieve prosperity and ultimately, wealth . Participatory Economics is a process.  It is a philosophy.  It is a strategy.  You control the level of participation through the investment of your time, effort and resources. On the most basic level, we share and participate in an "idea".  This idea - literally - is that we create our own economy - individually (and) collectively.  We are a community of people with the shared purpose of putting money woes in the rear view mirror.  For far too many people, money is an adversary.  It doesn't need to be this way. So, how do we do it? We describe what we do as achieving financial independence through financial inter-dependence.  As adults (of intelligence and having the powers of ...

Subscribe to a New Life

What if you could just "enroll" to change your finances?  What if a monthly subscription, with the ability to enroll other subscribers enabled you to do just that? This is what we do.  In the most straightforward and refreshingly honest way we can muster, we provide a voice that aspires to elevate your belief that "changing your life" is possible.  We then go a step further and also provide a platform for you to consider to make it happen. The title of this post, "Subscribe to a New Life" simplifies our business from the most basic concept of a recurring monthly commitment - that can and will  - result in a liberated life that you can live on your own terms. There is so much more to it - that you can find in the other posts on this blog.  The point here is this:  you can choose to subscribe.  You can choose to work toward a liberated life. Our goal (our job) is to simply expose you to one way to get there.

Our Model


An Appeal to Sensibilities

We market a subscription to make money.  If this is taking a moment to sink in, let's rearrange the words.  To make money, we market a subscription. Essentially, this is our business model. It is a model that enables the development and growth of monthly income.  For the same / predictable / fixed amount that you invest each month, you have the opportunity to receive an unlimited number of subscriptions equal to the same amount - directly deposited into your bank account. Stable, consistent, predictable money.  This is not a license to wave a wand and "poof" - it just happens.  But at the end of the day, when you have the knowledge, skills, and habits to generate these deposits, it is really a matter of doing the same thing over and over again. Like many things, the concept is simple.  However, making it happen is not easy.  If it were, everyone would be doing it. I talk about the obstacles in many other posts on this blog.  The bigge...

Subscription Income: Become the Magazine Publisher or the Cable Company

We build a subscriber base - on a couple of levels. First, we ask people to subscribe to our ideas.  We seek people who are willing to adopt our philosophy and values.  Our goal is to build a community that is driven by competence.  Competence infers knowledge and skills, learning and teaching and being a professional at what we do. Second, we ask people to subscribe to a monthly commitment of money.  This is just like any other subscription, whether it be a magazine, a cable bill or a health club membership. The difference is this:  you become the magazine publisher or the cable company.  You are the one collecting monthly subscription payments.  In return for your single monthly investment that you make to someone else,  you put yourself in the position to receive many multiple subscription payments to you. Ultimately we put you in the position to create your own economy. We develop a community of people who share a common understan...

What Have you Done, Today?

It doesn't matter what it is.  Listen, some people have time.  Some people have money.  Some people have skills.  Many don't have skills. If you have money, you can invest in tools to automate some of the functions of your business.  If you don't, you have to take a slower path that will inherently require more grunt work.  No matter your starting point, you NEED to be doing something to get "whatever you have to offer" in front of people to evaluate - TODAY. In our business,this involves getting people to online information where they can look at videos, be directed to blog posts, have the opportunity to read third party reviews and begin the evaluation process of whether what we do will be a good fit for them. The biggest mistake most "new" people make is spending all of their time initially learning things and not "taking action" to get their message in front of people. It doesn't matter what this might be:  social media, distribut...

Group Think

Let's not over-complicate this.  What we do at the most foundational level is build a community (a group of people) who think alike in regard to: a strategy to make money shared values financial inter-dependence mutual support learning and teaching as the keys to success commitment to the long-term These are at the core.  The vehicle we use to make money could be anything.  The community we build and belong to is the most important aspect of your business.  It is about relationships and belonging. It is about honesty and building on small successes that build into larger and larger successes. It looks and smells like integrity due to the very real sentiment of people caring for each other and leaving financial struggle in the rear view mirror. It is about the sacrifice of your time to help others understand the tools and techniques that we use and are necessary to use. This is the work we do.  We help people understand and grow into compet...

Earning Platforms

The goal for any business is to make money.  Broadly, any business is an earning platform.  It doesn't matter what the business is.  At the end of the day, money is exchanged for something of real or perceived value. Our business is an earning platform. It provides the structure to take a relatively small amount of money and leverage it into larger and larger amounts of money.  It is straightforward and systematic geometric growth. The key to (y)our growth is understanding that competence has to be at the center of this earnings universe.  There is no winging it.  What we do requires competent knowledge, that leads to skills and taking these knowledge and skills and competently applying effort to tell other people what we do -and how they can get involved. It is our platform - no different than a political party platform - that has pillars that the whole proposition stands on.  Knowledge, competence and effort applied in intelligent and productiv...

"Scam" and "Pyramid Scheme" Marketing

If you Google just about any Home Business opportunity, among the top results, you will find multiple articles eluding to "Scam (or) Not?".   This may typically be accompanied by a claim that identifies what you are researching as a pyramid or Ponzi scheme.  Here's what you need to know. These terms rank, especially for those who know how to use (manipulate) them to achieve rankings. Because the algorithms at Google look for consumer protection terms, in just about any instance if these keywords are used, they will automatically rank in the search results.  But, here's the deal. This is a form of reverse marketing.  Scam and pyramid scheme marketing is a strategy. "Scam Marketers" use "the opportunity" you are researching to gain your attention, say some negative things about it, and then switch and pitch you on something that they are marketing.  Oftentimes, this is accompanied by denigrating the founder or anything else they can find from the...

We Help People (help themselves)

Our goal and mission is to transfer skills and knowledge.  With the application of these in very specific and targeted ways - we create a path to financial stability.  Then prosperity.  Then total financial independence. If you think this can be done overnight and without the necessary investment of time to learn and apply, you are (unfortunately) sorely mistaken.  What we do is completely analogous to going to school, getting your degree in teaching - and then being a teacher.  If you can not help others (or this does not appeal to you) then our business will not be a good fit for you. We do not really "mass market" and look for warm bodies to sign-up.  We much prefer slow, solid growth with people committed to competence (personally) and the competence of a group of people who become professional marketers - whom you have helped and mentored. Frankly, most people totally miss this in the home business industry - and it the reason for the high failur...

What This is About - At Its Core

We were mystified for years at our inability to make money with anything but a conventional “job”. We knew there must be something missing.  Our “Ah Ha!”  moment occurred when we figured out what follows. We figured there has to be a way to communicate a message with common, mass appeal, and if we figured it out, there could be a lot of money in the balance.  After all, the need for more money is universal… at least for the “99%”.  So what causes such a large majority of people to remain strapped to struggle with poverty constantly nipping at their heels?  Or worse yet, sitting in their laps? It is not a simple answer.  But wouldn’t it be great if there was a strategy that people could trust that is simple, clear and easily understood?  If that were the case, and enough people rallied around… and the motives behind the whole proposition were transparent and true, then why should it be such a stretch to add money to the equation and allow the...