On Being a Money Mercenary

I understand that the word mercenary is a derogatory term.  It connotes someone who will do anything for money, at the expense of ethics.  This said, if I could soften it a bit by doing anything for money and maintain ethics (while helping others) - this is my jumping off point.

I want to use the term mercenary because it speaks to peoples' sense of desperation.  My brother used to say, "I'd carry my left arm around in a bag"... for something he really wanted.  It is this kind of angst and stress that I am speaking to.  He lacked something he wanted; and used this expression to state the extremes he would go to - to have it.  It is not too difficult to find people who have this level of stress about money.  So, with your indulgence, I use the term:  Money Mercenary.

So, my question really, is what people are willing to do to make a buck?  Hopefully, it is cloaked in honesty and ethics, but is there a model or rule that says you have to sell a product or service. And, if so (or if not) I want to pose the question if the act of making money is an end in itself with the product or service being secondary or agnostic?

In other words, does it matter if I sell widgets, or wagon wheels down on the corner?  Does it matter if I sell Information Products or How To Guides over the internet?  In other words, does the product really matter if the person buying it is deriving value from it and is not getting ripped off?

My contention is that it does not.  And, in this sense, I am a Money Mercenary and within reason (and the law), I will do anything to make a buck... (and) as long as it does not have the potential to embarrass my family, or me.

All this being said, at some juncture, you need to choose "the vehicle".  This is the business you will hopefully drive to the land of greater prosperity.  However, like in most trips you take, there are sometimes detours, flat tires, the AC does not work on a hot day...

My point here is this:  perfection does not exist.  You find the perfect company and then you find people make speaking and spelling errors.  Demand when launching a new program crashes the servers.  Compensation plans change.  Things go bump in the night, constantly.

All I can tell you is to find people you like and trust and stay the course.  Get involved with something and make a commitment to yourself and proclaim publicly that you are in the business of helping others by elevating their financial stability.  Build relationships.  Pull people into your community and take a genuine interest in them.  Create a culture of helping and genuine caring about people's prosperity or lack of prosperity.

People need extra money.  If you can help them see a way to earn money by starting a small business, you are doing God's work, and doing families and society a huge favor.

So, be a mercenary.  Make money (earn money) and show others how to do the same.  It does not matter what it is.  But if you are making money, you will be spending money and the economy benefits.  More importantly, however, you benefit.

Learn.  Earn.  Teach.  then.. Learn.  Earn.  Teach.  then...  Learn.  Earn.  Teach.  and you will build a thriving business.


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