Are you one of the Working Poor?

Here is a test.  See how many of these "Dirty Dozen" you find yourself answering "yes" to:

1.  You do not go on "real" vacations... defined as planned trips, with hotel stays that you need to fly or drive to, typically with something to do that defines the trip.

2.  You buy generic and bargain brands at the grocery store and agonize over what meat to buy because everything is so expensive.  Ultimately, you eat a lot of pasta and chicken thighs and you have gotten really good at being creative with both.

3.  You bought your car because it was what you can afford, but is not really what you would prefer to drive.

4.  If you are a woman, getting a manicure, pedicure or massage is an extravagance, and this pampering induces guilt because the money could /should have been spent on other things.

5.  When you go to a restaurant, your eyes are first drawn to the prices of things, not the menu items themselves.  You order last and typically choose what is less expensive.  More often than not, you order water.

6.  You go "way too long" between haircuts.

7.  You love finding bargains at Savers, Good Will or the Salvation Army, but you really shop there because spending $6 on a pair of pants makes infinite more sense than spending $80 at a clothing store.

8.  You are a "do-it-yourselfer" because paying people to do or fix things doesn't make sense to you.

9.  You don't take your pet(s) to the vet very often, or at all.

10.  You avoid going to specialists when referred by your Primary Care Physician because the copay is so much higher.

11.  Retirement is an elusive concept, because you have no plan, or what you have... you know will not be enough.

12.  You play the lottery, and really like the slogan, "Where else can you buy a dream for a dollar?"


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