The Gnats and Fruit Flies of Social Commerce
I have written about this topic once before with a different and more straightforward take. I called that post "Scam and Pyramid Marketing". This time I want to frame things as irritating - like a gnat. Gnats and Fruit Flies buzz around your head. You swipe at them, but they persist. They are annoyances that can drive you to distraction. They have no real value in the scheme of things. They are simply pesky little undesirable critters. For just about any non-traditional business model such as Affiliate Marketing, you can typically find a Google-ranked reference to such businesses as being a scam, a pyramid, or a cash gifting "scheme". These "gnat" articles are sleazy and self-serving due to nearly 100% of the time their sole purpose is to trash the company cited and then tell you how great their opportunity is as an alternative. It should go without saying that this is duplicitous and disingenuous, not to mention that most of these posts are wri...