
Ten Cents a Day Prospecting

One of these a day is 16 touches.  Per week: 112.  Per month:  458.  No need to get a re-direct URL initially.  Simply make a word document and print it.  Then take it to your favorite Copy Center and make as many copies as make sense. Staple them together in Packs of 10 or so, and place on Bulletin Boards... anywhere there are bulletin boards.  Need help?  Reach out to your enroller. Please know that the links in this flyer are "active" and belong to the author of this blog and this is a resource I actually use.  This post is for illustration purposes.  DO NOT join with me if you are working with someone else.  Use their links.  Do not fill out any forms on my resources if you were introduced by someone else.  Thanks.

Additional Revenue

I find it amazing.  People complain about "lack".  Not enough money.  Driving a lousy car that needs constant fixing. No vacations. Rarely going out to dinner... and forget about plays or concerts or anything that "busts" the budget... Most people are indentured to their jobs.  Business owners sometimes have it worse and are owned by the hours necessary to keep their heads above water.  Exhaustion and frustration rule lives as people barely "make it". The idea of additional revenue is a simple one.  Doing something (anything) to make more money seems straightforward enough.  Then, let me ask... why don't more people have more than one source of income? My contention is that it is a matter of education.  It is a matter of understanding the rational case for the viability of something that is good and genuinely capable of having success with. Then, "knowing" is of little use unless you are willing and capable of sharing (selling) what y...

Master Plan for Life Transformaiton

Simple on its surface.  I want to ask, "is it"? I want to propose that "what we do" can transform lives that go well beyond the "Sign Up & Try It" model of business builder recruitment.  This needs to be postured within a framework that people know what they are signing up for (and) if they are sincerely committed to getting from where they are - to where they want to be. The graphic above speaks to "what it takes".  In a sense, it is the bitter pill of reality.  It is a  framework that does not sugarcoat the fact that "life transformation" is possible, however, it requires taking necessary steps to gain a full understanding and appreciation "how to get there".  Said differently, it takes learning and effort that results in a change in life circumstances. What we do is wonderful.  If you are new, you will come to know and embrace this. In its leadership philosophy - in its consumer benefit - in its overall worth...


I have a theory and a corollary to it.  People won't use and embrace what they don't understand.  The corollary:  more people will embrace and use what they do understand. The goal of education is understanding.  Take a math problem.  Once you learn the steps that need to be taken to understand how to solve an algebra equation, you can then go on to solve an algebra equation with similar variables. We can frame this in terms of the learning curve.  Is it a steep learning curve, with many facets and relatively complex variables?  Or does something tend more to the side of being a "no brainer" and easy-to-comprehend? The variable that will fuel the success of any business is "how simply" it can be explained.  Success rests squarely on the pillars of understanding and adoption.  Understanding and adoption is predicated by behavior modification.  So, the real question is, "How do we get people to modify their behaviors?"...

Constructive Change: ADAPT

I had a Professor in Grad School named Max Raines.  The ADAPT model is his.  It was explained to us in the context of High School Seniors making the transition to a successful college experience.  As you will see, the model here is used in making the transition from "where you are" to "where you want to be" as an entrepreneur/home business owner. To make this happen will require thought and introspection.  It will require work and humility as well as honesty and vulnerability. ADAPT is an acronym with each letter representing the following:  1) A ctivate Commitment, 2) D evelop Supports, 3) A djust Expectations, 4) P rioritize Goals, and 5) T ranspose Identity. So, let's take each of these and apply it to help us get from "here to there".  Each of these areas is meant to be a brief introduction.  When learning this content, it was a full semester for me. 1) Activate Commitment :  This is putting a stake in the ground.  It i...

Belly-to-Belly and Shoe Leather Prospecting

Prospecting (to prospect) is a verb.  It is an action.  It is what we do to expose people to our message to gain their attention and interest. There are many forms of prospecting that are either free or paid.  Our business model starts with no cost or low-cost methods that are in the "Local, Guerilla and Belly-to-Belly" categories.  We do not encourage warm market (friends and family) until you have an established record of success.  So where and how do we suggest you get started?   To make things most efficient, think concentration.  Where are there high densities of people who may be open to what we have to offer?  We have generic Community sites that are intended to appeal to Retail and Office workers.  Can you see yourself walking into businesses and introducing yourself, engaging in a conversation starter like, "Can I ask you a question, do you like working here?"  Then following with, "Do you have any other source...

Resigned to Mediocrity

Most people have given up without knowing they have given up.  They accept their "lot" in life without challenge or question.  They drone through days and complain all-the-while... and confuse complaining with challenging. Anyone can complain.  It is easy.  Take anything negative and describe it in negative terms.  Challenge, on the other hand, requires taking a stand and doing something about it.  This is not easy to do... for many. Complainers, for the most part, are resigned to and destined for mediocrity.  They hate what they do for a living, they wish they had more resources, they detest the grind of the workweek... but even in light of this, they do nothing about it - save complaining. Peoples' "truth" is what they perceive it to be.  Some people will engage and "get after it" if shown something worthy of "getting after".  These are the people we seek in building our business. It is a very strange paradox that "most" p...