Additional Revenue
I find it amazing. People complain about "lack". Not enough money. Driving a lousy car that needs constant fixing. No vacations. Rarely going out to dinner... and forget about plays or concerts or anything that "busts" the budget... Most people are indentured to their jobs. Business owners sometimes have it worse and are owned by the hours necessary to keep their heads above water. Exhaustion and frustration rule lives as people barely "make it". The idea of additional revenue is a simple one. Doing something (anything) to make more money seems straightforward enough. Then, let me ask... why don't more people have more than one source of income? My contention is that it is a matter of education. It is a matter of understanding the rational case for the viability of something that is good and genuinely capable of having success with. Then, "knowing" is of little use unless you are willing and capable of sharing (selling) what y...