
My Kangen Conundrum

Preface :  I did not end up doing the Kangen business and it is not a part of my earning portfolio.  I thought someone might be interested in my thought process should they be considering Kangen as an earning platform. ______________________________ I am writing to convince myself, or to talk-myself-out-of doing the Kangen water business.  I write for catharsis and to organize my thoughts.  At the end of this - my goal is to have made a reasonable justification for moving in either direction by being as brutally honest as I can be with myself and with anyone who reads this. The basic proposition for me is whether my need to make money outweighs the negative press and speculation that exists regarding the Kangen technology and its efficacy.  I sit here, perplexed by the risk of investing $6,000 in a business start-up, but at the same time intrigued by the money and the business model - without having any first hand, tangible knowledge of the product, i.e. I...


Fidelity. In a marriage, this means you promise to love, cherish and forsake all others until death do you part... In business, (in our business) we simply want to make a case for why this is important. There are a million ways to make money.  Many people, if they have not yet been successful with a home business / income vehicle can get easily distracted by the "shiny objects" syndrome.  This takes away their focus from their primary, core endeavor by evaluating and (perhaps) participating in other ways to make money.  Some people are successful in doing this.  Most can't. Our point is this:  if this is your first, real attempt to make money with a home business, stay-the-course and remain faithful to your "core" business, exclusively - until you achieve whatever level of income that enables you to define it as a success. This focus and commitment is extremely important and it is also why we stress so heavily that you do your homework about us - to ga...

A Deep Dive Into the Notion of Change

Understanding change is perhaps the most important ingredient to your success.  It is uncomfortable and most people (can not / will not / do not) openly embrace this discomfort.  As a result, nothing happens and the status quo continues to rule lives, incomes, lifestyles and any hope for making progress toward a goal... no matter what that goal might be. Creating change is analogous to breaking an addiction.  People are "addicted" to the patterns of their lives.  Introducing something new is disruptive and inherently will change these patterns.  Many (most) people can not cope and the "draw" to established and familiar patterns continues to rule their lives.  This is why people stay "stuck" with whatever they are attempting to "change". For our purposes, we help people change their relationship to money - to achieve first, a level of financial stability, and then build on this to higher and higher levels of prosperity.  This all begins with a...

Explained: Subscripton Income Business

Until relatively recently, only businesses and banks could set up automatic withdrawals from our bank accounts or to bill our credit cards.  With the advent of companies like PayPal and with the ability for individuals to set up Merchant Accounts to take credit card payments, a whole NEW business model has evolved to capitalize on this capability. Further, these credit / debit card payments can be set up on a subscription (monthly draft) basis.  The business model we promote and the company we have chosen does exactly this... with a host of digital and on-line services as the products. The reality is, even in light of product availability (which makes the business legally compliant), the "reason" for people getting involved in our business is to plug into a vehicle that provides the opportunity to "make money".  The products are a secondary consideration.  If they have real value (which ours do) it is an added bonus.  As such, there is no "embarrassment...

A Culture of Assistance

The company we work with recently coined the phrase, "culture of assistance".  This important, first, because it recognizes culture as something we are striving to attain.  On the broadest level, culture means that we share common attitudes, beliefs and values.  Culture is foundational.  It permeates everything and is long-term. Assistance means help.  We assist people in many ways.  We guide people to and through information gathering about what we do.  We help people understand the power and long-term viability of our business model.  We share our personal experiences regarding the value and utility of our products. Ultimately, we provide a service.  We do not sell. People choose to join our business due to thoughtful reasoning, not giddy excitement about the potential, We prefer people who are thorough, initially skeptical and who ask good questions. At the end of the day, our job is 1) to answer those questions, and; 2) then to shar...

The Most Important Currency There Is

The effect I have on people is the most important currency there is. When talking about the subject of "making money" I understand anyone's natural skepticism. I respond the same way. My challenge is to convey something different and begin a process of establishing credibility and earning trust. The reality is, it is possible to make money using internet businesses. The questions are, how do you get from here to there (and) is there a "vehicle" that is far superior? My honest answer? There are some that are "better than many, and as good as any". Everything has flaws. The key is to choose wisely, get going and stay the course. The more important factor is the people and community that are in place to teach, support and guide you. My job is to help you start from wherever you are in terms of skills, time, budget, knowledge... knowing most people can not simply "plug in" to a system and make it work. Getting there requires personal attentio...

Big Box Retail as a Market

What do Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Sears, Bed Bath and Beyond... (you get the idea) have in common?  How about Cracker Barrel, Appleby's and the Olive Garden?  Then, think about all the businesses in between. There are a lot of things I could say about what all the people working in these places have in common.  They need to work because they need money.  More often than not, they are non-union which means they have no rights and are working close to minimum wage. And, more often than not, they are (at minimum) receptive to evaluating a way to make more money. We capitalize on this "market" with a simple little flyer like this, printed 14 to an 8.5 x 11 page. We cut them up, and every time we are out in public they are either left behind, handed directly to people, put in magazines in doctors offices...   We also take them door-to-door in residential neighborhoods, post them in stacks on any bulletin board we can find... This is an easy, inexpe...