
Showing posts from 2024

Broke and Broken

This post is going to be a bit tough, but it is the unvarnished reality.  You won't find many people who are trying to recruit warm bodies, do the numbers and see who sticks...  talking about this. From our perspective, we want to be selective and help people we introduce to what we do and self-select.  In this context, here's the deal:  you will not build a business working with broke and broken people.  Yes, this may sound harsh, but unfortunately, it is absolutely true. First, let's address broke.  Being in business inherently involves the creation of commerce (the exchange of money for something of value).  Many people are simply not wired for this.  The "why" behind this is not easily answered.  However, the broad stroke on this topic is that people who have been surviving month to month and living hand-to-mouth simply do not have the risk tolerance to do anything outside of their current experience and comfort zone.  Therefore, they remain "stuck&qu