Big Box Retail as a Market
What do Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Sears, Bed Bath and Beyond... (you get the idea) have in common? How about Cracker Barrel, Appleby's and the Olive Garden? Then, think about all the businesses in between. There are a lot of things I could say about what all the people working in these places have in common. They need to work because they need money. More often than not, they are non-union which means they have no rights and are working close to minimum wage. And, more often than not, they are (at minimum) receptive to evaluating a way to make more money. We capitalize on this "market" with a simple little flyer like this, printed 14 to an 8.5 x 11 page. We cut them up, and every time we are out in public they are either left behind, handed directly to people, put in magazines in doctors offices... We also take them door-to-door in residential neighborhoods, post them in stacks on any bulletin board we can find... This is an easy, inexpe...